Do you miss all the moments and passion in your relationship with the ex lover?
Well, easy love spells with just words can help you revive it!
Aside from helping you attract your love interest; love spells can also keep your partner and let them stay loyal to you forever. Powerful and effective, the following spells use no ingredient but are capable of resolving your problems quickly.
Two persons separated away because of many different reasons.
Spiritually, maybe the connection of the two of you has faded – a real spell for love will again bind you and your partner for a strong and incredible bond as well as a long-lasting relationship.
Continue reading for more info!
Table of Contents
Genuine Easy Love Spells to Keep a Man

For centuries, people have practiced witchcraft as a way to achieve what they desire from the deepest of their heart. It doesn’t mean everything will come true once a spell is cast – your intention and energy are very important.
Not that all love spells are cast for you!
Wonder how some individuals can win back their lost love?
It’s not difficult to find powerful love spells helping you return to the person you love after a breakup; however, most sites usually inform too complicated spells or spells containing lots of materials.
Lucky you! I’m going to discuss some love spells with simple chants that you can easily perform on your own.
Love spell chant #1
Before starting the session, you just need a photo of yourself smiling and a photo of the person you want to cast the spell on.
This is an effective spell with the aim of bringing back your ex-lover or easing the heated argument between you and your friends. You’re advised to perform the spell exactly at eight o’clock in the evening.
- Sit calmly in a quite room and keep your mind relaxed
- Take a few deep breaths and think of a peaceful scenery
- Hold the picture of your lost partner in your right hand and say the following chant clearly:
“With the light of the flame I’ll light your desire,
When I speak your name,
You’ll feel the glow from my fire.
The spell has been cast – so be it!”
- Repeat their name 3 times
- Place your picture face down on top of your ex’s so that two images can be together
- Wrap the pictures in a clean cloth and put it in a safe corner
For this spell to work efficiently, sit straight on your bed and murmur his name 3 times every evening at 8 o’clock.
Love spell chant #2
Next is another chanting spell without ingredients also known as the famous Aradia love spell. Its power with your pure intention will make your beloved run back to you effortlessly, no forcing or manipulating at all.
Believe it or not, this spell will help you connect spiritually to Aradia – Diana’s daughter – who will come with aid once hearing your sincere prayer. Note that you don’t have to prepare much as the ritual with Aradia love spell requires just chants.
As the spell should be performed on Friday, you need to stay up all night and fill your mind with desire for the ex lover on Thursday. The timing is very important when casting this spell – the most ideal time is at dawn, exactly when the sun is just rising and you still can see the moon of the previous night.
Repeat the prayer to Diana and Aradia as below:
“Good and beautiful Diana, I have faithfully worshiped you;
Now help me with my love!
Call your daughter Aradia and send her to fetch my love to me.
Fill our souls with the joy of lovemaking.
Thank you, Great Fairy Queen and Fair Aradia.”
Keep doing this spell on every Friday and only stop until you sense some positive signs from the ex partner.
Love spell chant #3
It seems like your lover is losing his interest for you.
Don’t be afraid! Our easy love spells that work within minutes always get your back. In this case, you should take advantage of this love spell chant to add more passion and affection to your relationship.
- Find yourself a private space
- Find a direction allowing you to sit facing the moon
- Stay peaceful and visualize old moments sharing between you and your lover (or husband)
- Say clearly while looking at the moon:
“Flowers red I see you
Touch you and smell you
Bring back my love (whisper his name here) as tangible as you.”
Stay still and meditate for a couple of minutes after the prayer. Most importantly, you need to do this spell on New Moon for good results!
Love spell chant #4
By casting this ancient spell, you can increase his desire of wanting you and keeping you in his life forever. It will help to send your message to the man’s conscious mind through the universe energy.
Like other spells in the list, you don’t need to come with any ingredient. Since the spell uses only words, you need at least 3-5 days to rest and prepare your will. Whenever you feel ready to do the ritual, make sure to keep your partner next to you.
- Sit down straight, close your eyes and relax
- Concentrate on your love for your man and your desire to feel loved as well
- Clearly chant these lines:
“Say the name of your lover 3 times,
Ask him to listen to you and to love you more,
Repeat the name again 3 times,
Pour everything from the deepest of your heart,
State your beloved should obey to what you suggest.”
Bear in mind that sealing is a very important step during a spell-casting session, especially if you use love spell chants. In case this spell shows no result, you’re recommended to do it again after a month.
Love spell chant #5
In order to keep him forever, you should consider casting the think of me spell which will make your partner can’t help thinking about you most of the time. With the power of love magic, his mind will be filled with the image of you, your smile, and your voice.
- Enter a quiet room with dim light and sit in a comfortable position
- Have a clear mind and keep your body relaxed – it’s a must to stay away from distractions
- Light and place an optional incense in front of you
- Focus your mind on your boyfriend and visualize he is present around you
- Put both of your hands on your heart and repeat the chant below:
“Always I think of you, may your feelings of me a-new.
I have lost many nights sleep, thoughts of you made my heart weep.
Now, I ask the Goddess of Love to send you some insight from above/
Though ye shall lose many nights sleep, you’ll understand that I’m yours to keep.
I thank to the Goddess of Love, as I announce my spell done.
So mote it be!”
Keep doing this spell every night until you feel changes in your lover’s behavior.
In Conclusion
Easy love spells with just words work fast and effectively to make sure bringing only happiness to your relationship.
The list here contains several spells with different purposes simple to cast – whether reuniting lovers or getting the man to love you more, practicing witchcraft will fulfill your wish perfectly.
If you don’t want to cast on your own, then it’s okay to ask for the help from a powerful lost love spell caster online. Under their direction, you will surely find a passionate, deep, and lasting love.
Try out the spells here and tell us your experience!
Please need to cast a love spell . Thank you
As a professional spell caster, I understand the allure and mystery surrounding spells, especially love spells. It is important to remember that casting any type of spell should never be taken lightly or done without careful consideration. Love spells are powerful tools that can have an immense impact on someone’s life and emotions.
Before deciding to cast a love spell, it is essential to ask oneself if it is truly necessary. Is this person’s affection something that will bring joy and happiness into your life? Or are you seeking control over another individual’s thoughts and feelings? Love spells should not be used as a means of manipulation or coercion but rather as a way to enhance existing connections between individuals who share mutual feelings for one another.
Ultimately, the decision to cast a love spell lies with the individual; however, one must always approach such actions with respect for both themselves and others involved in the situation at hand.
If you are considering casting a love spell and have questions or concerns, I invite you to reach out to a professional spellcaster, they can offer guidance and advice to help you make the best decision for yourself and those around you.
Let’s create a positive and meaningful impact in your love life.
Please can you help, I don’t know what happened but out of the blue my boyfriend of 9 months ended it, I am broken I haven’t slept and don’t want to lose him, I know he is going through things right now and I have been nothing but supportive, I just want to bind him to me so that he only sees me and his mind is filled with memories of me, his name is Kevin Weyer
A million dollar advice, take your time sulking up and then move on! As early as you get out of it and accept the reality, it would be better for you! It’s going to be hard for everyone, but god help those who help themselves.
You are the only person who has to suffer, but by taking positive and corrective steps, ultimately you will learn to deal with it. So, get up, smile and do all such things that would help to make you happy.
All the best!!!
Can you please help me. After 35 years my husband left me. He talks to everyone but me. He tells them that he still loves me. I think he is running from his problems and not me. I forgave him for everything he has done but he hasn’t forgiven himself. I love him so much and just want him back here. I want to help him face his problems. Please help bring him back.
I don’t have much information to work with, so I will just use your question piece by piece, and interpret from it what I think.
My husband left me: So you have already been with him, and have broken up. I assume he has broken up with you, which should be your first clue that he doesn’t want you. Why break up if you still want to be with that person?
He hasn’t forgiven himself – So you have already indicated that you want to get back together, but he doesn’t want to get back together. This should indicate that he doesn’t want you.
I forgave him for everything he has done – So you have been waiting around, and he presumably knows you are pathetically sitting around waiting for him to become available… but he didn’t want you enough to MAKE himself available, because he doesn’t want you.
He tells everyone that he still loves me – HERE is the part that has to be confusing you. You are obviously so obsessed with him, that his words and actions that clearly show you he doesn’t want you are completely ignored. By saying he still loves you, he means that he doesn’t hate you and probably doesn’t want to hurt you. He doesn’t want bad things to happen to you. He is a normal, guy who wants to move on, but realizes that you are fragile, so he says he still loves you, hoping you will take the hint.
What does it mean: You need to take the hint that this guy DOESN’T WANT YOU. Move on, focus your love and energy on somebody who deserves it, and will give you theirs back. Good luck!