What are the Children lines in our palm?
In palmistry or palm reading, it is really fascinating to observe the Children lines on our hand.
These lines are often found at the Mount of Mercury in the form of the vertical lines over the palm reading marriage line and at the base of the thumb. The truth is that the Children lines are as thin as hair, so it is impossible to decipher them with our naked eyes.
However, these lines should be interpreted along with other features and lines on a hand in order to guess the possibility of having kids.
This topic will help us get a better understanding of the palm reading children line.
Table of Contents
Palm Reading Children Line Interpretation

Shape & Positions of Children Lines

Believe it or not, the number of the lines from the bracelet until the Life line reveals the number of the babies in a person’s life.
If the Children lines below the bracelet seem to be even in number, a female kid will be born first. On the other hand, if these lines seem to be odd in number, a male baby can be born first.
The 1st line extending outside the hand above the Marriage line indicates the 1st child, the 2nd indicates the 2nd child and so forth.
While the bent Children lines refer to the female kids, the straight lines refer to the male babies. Once the 1st bracelet tends to take the long turn and enter our palm, it shows the unhappiness or obstacle relating to our children.
In general, the Children lines on the women’s hands are likely to be more prominent than the ones on the men’s hands.
The clearly marked lines denote healthy and strong kids while the faint and wavy lines denote the babies who are very weak.
When a little island is found in the first part of the line, our child can be extremely delicate in his early life. Nevertheless, if the line tends to be well-marked, he will surely have a good health.
If one Children line is well-marked and longer than the rest of the lines, one kid may be more significant to the parents than others.
Any cross or break in this line symbolizes abortion or death of the baby.
Once the Life line has a tendency to enclose the mount of Venus and then shrink it, there will be the possibilities of harm for our child. If these lines are highly well-marked as well as clear in the hands of a male, he shall possess the extremely affectionate nature and may love the children.
Take a Quick Palm Reading Guide How Many Children Will I Have

Which place on your body does keep many mysteries about you?
So near yet so far, that’s your palm.
What kinds of secrets are hidden in your palm lines?
Asking the palmist, he (or she) will tell you some important aspects in life, i.e. when will you encounter your future partner? Will you get married soon? Not over yet, with the help of ‘palm reading guide how many children will I have’, the seekers may know the exact number of kids they will have after getting married.
In fact, the art of palmistry specifically focuses on all the exciting fields around your life (health, love, career, etc).
By looking at the Children Line on the seekers’ dominant hand, the fortune teller can give a prediction to the number of children.
What is the Children Line? What are its functions?
Let’s read the following for more information:
The Line of Children:
If you observe the part above the marriage line, you will immediately see some finely marked upright lines. Next, press the edge of the palm where these lines are located with the tips of the fingers, and then, continue noting which of the small lines stand out the most clearly.
They are sometimes extremely deep, and as a rule, there are more lines (of this type) on women’s hand than men’s hand.
The Function of the Children Line:
When reading palms number of children, all the signs may indicate the number of kids you are likely to have. It’s necessary to count these vertical lines (from the outside of the hand towards the inside palm) to calculate the exact result.
Each line indicates a child or a potential one; and if you get a clear line, your baby will be born healthily. The Children Line doesn’t cross the marriage line means a child may come into a relationship later on.
There are many characteristic features of Children Line that can be found easily online.
How Many Children Will I Have Palm Reading
Nearly all genuine palmists tend to value the art of Palm Reading from major lines to the minor ones sufficiently.
Due to the seekers’ request, the sufficient readings covering every line on palm are provided. While some are keen on discovering the love prospects, others prefer to know how many children that they will have in the far-off scenarios.
In case of the future kids, keep your eyes on the Children Line in the dominant hand!
Significance of Children Line in Ones’ Happiness

As long as you are curious to know the number of kids to grow old with, trace the Children lines – the vertical ones intersecting the Relationship Lines (also known as Marriage Lines). Such the tiny yet significant lines are the informative resources to know ahead the future babies’ health, intelligence, and many other issues.
As the big echo of ones’ emotional bond, the Children Lines are also linked to the kids that have special relationship with you such as nieces, nephews, adopted kids, and step children.
Therefore, the number of this line on palm denotes the number of kids that you will have for a lifetime. Informatively, the kids’ health is displayed via the parents’ palm lines. Hence, disclose the truths and tighten the bond with the future babies!
In addition to the Marriage Line, Children Line reflects a person’s life happiness. No matter how harmonious the married room is, the lack of kids’ laughter makes it unhealthy and monotonous. Thus, whenever the burning question “how many kids will I have” drives you to feel extremely curious, ask the so-called Palmists to interpret the lines’ number!
Along with that, get their depth and length deciphered for many insights!
In most cases, you are able to self-calculate the number of kids from the home comfort! Simply count the vertical lines from the outside edge of the palm towards the inside one in order to unveil secrets of number! From ones’ own children to the foster kids, the presence of the little ones helps to color every adult’s life with the big fun and comfort.
Though the Children Lines are generally faint, there exist some clear lines indicating the healthy kids whereas the long lines present the kids of parents’ favorite. To locate and count the lines exactly, you may need the magnifying glass.
Otherwise, it is best to talk to the experienced Palmists who give lots of advice on altering the unexpected outcomes due to no or few children lines.
Children Line in Palm Reading
Palmistry or also so-called palm reading is designed to ask for a thorough study of several palm lines, covering the lines that won’t be as renowned as the two major lines: Heart line or Life line.
They are called the ‘Children lines’ that are always going straight that arise from the very vertical lines of the marriage lines on your palm. It’s them that all lines branching out of one certain line through it. The certain number of them would concern the number of kids that are about to be given birth from the marriage between two souls.
Please note that when a line starts to intersect the entire marriage line at every end, but remember that this can’t be considered to be a child line but the symbol of the relationship ending instead.
When the lines appear stronger than the other lines in one hand, then it’s possible for all mothers-to-be to bear the male children whereas the weaker or finer ones that are said to be suggestive of the female kids.
As the palmistry, these lines are found to indicate how the kids might do in the life, which can be in some way or another.
Nevertheless, there will be another factor of uncertain thing related to the marriage and children lines because of the altered concepts in the modern times. It’s the lines which are designed to indicate not only relationships but also the marriage life of a person apart from the great indicators of the children.
Also, those children lines prove that the maternal instinct as well as the detailed depth to which your unborn kids might have been.
This reveals every factor in our lives, and even how responsible we are towards the family and the children.
Online Psychic Reading on How to Conceive
Asking the online free pregnancy psychic readings for today can be a great representative of your spiritual guide.
Without having any potential to offer you the precise facts related to the pregnancy issues, one psychic reading is committed to help a person to end with the probable results. It’s highly advised for you to consult the insightful psychics and clairvoyants.
It’s all right for everyone to compare the predictions of the initial reader that you inquired and the second ideas or those of the other consultant.
Reading Palms Number of Children
The art of Palm Reading helps to know how many children that you and the future spouse can produce in the forthcoming marriage! In addition to the babies’ gender, it is possible to foretell their physical health, learning capacity, and future prospect.

Children line is the vertical line running across the relationship lines (or marriage lines).
Thanks to the existence of this line on palm, you are able to know the possible number of children that you will have in the future. As the echo of emotional commitment, the delicate line is linked to both children and many other kinds of babies like step-children, nieces, and nephews.
According to the experienced palmists, the kids’ health and intelligence are displayed on the parents’ palm lines that form the robust parental bond with them naturally. Hence, as long as you have kids to grow old with, their traits will be shown on your own hand for better or worse. The vertical lines on the dominant hand (the one used most) help to disclose the hidden truths behind your future happiness created by the kids’ laughter.
In that sense, notice them and count the number to see how many members will enter your marriage!
The number of lines is what you need to identify the number of children that are to come. Please understand that the line intersecting the marriage line at the end is not the children line! Instead, it marks the sign of the inevitable breakup.
To master the wisdom of Palm Reading, the practitioners have spend their lifetime studying and interpreting various lines on the palms from children line to fame line.
In addition to the 4 major lines, the thorough study of palms must cover several minor lines as well. In reference to the minor lines, the two of marriage line and children line play the essential role in humans’ happiness.
Though they are small and faint, it is necessary to put them into account to conduct the reading for a lifetime. In some cases, you may need to use the magnifying glass and flashlight to spot the line’s depth, length, and shape.
How many kids will you have?
Only the children lines on your own palm can answer such the question, insightfully. Nevertheless, please note that the line is not fixed from birth and is changeable due to different courses of life!
Therefore, be attentive to spot the changes and don’t rely on the one-time reading excessively!
Palmistry Reading Guide
Want to gain insights just by holding the others’ hands?
The practice you need is Palmistry (also termed as Palm Reading or Chiromancy). The ancient art of interpreting the palm lines and other hands’ traits has been practiced worldwide that urges the spiritual believers to follow in the long period.
Hence, if you are looking for the Palmistry guide , the following bits turn to be informative enough to be taken into account. In order to disclose someone’s natures and fortune via the lines on the palm positively, you are advised to make things light and funny on the whole.
Basic Steps to Do Palm Readings

First, choose a hand to read!
In Palmistry, it is agreed that the right hand is read for the right-handed individuals whereas the left hand is read for the left-handed ones. Along with that, there exist many beliefs around the significance of the right and left hands.
Anyway, most genuine palmists prefer to examine the dominant hand (indicates the past and present) initially for the core readings. The leftover hand (alludes to the future) is used to supplement, necessarily.
Both the two hands should be analyzed for the sufficient palm readings.
Second, identify the 4 core palm lines including Life Line, Heart Line, Head Line, and Fate Line! While the Heart Line is at the top of the palm horizontally that signifies a person’s emotional stability, the Head Line is in the middle and means learning styles or communication skills.
What’s more, the Life Line (at the bottom of palm) refers to our vitality and physical health whereas the Fate Line that begins at the base of the palm reflects the destiny beyond human’s control.
Third, interpret the lines’ meanings!
Once the 4 lines are located on palm, interpret their meanings via the shapes, length, and depth. In most cases, the long, deep, and unbroken lines are the great symbols of the fulfilled life. Otherwise, the short, shadowy and broken line usually links to the lack of happiness. For instance, the broken Heart Line denotes the emotional trauma in love.
If possible, go on interpreting the hands, mounts, and fingers in every Palmistry Reading!
Anyway, it is not obligated to examine such the details. In reference to the hand’s size, those having the small hands are often categorized as active and flexible. Differently, those with the large hands are normally contemplative and slow to change.
Of course, the more details of palms and hands you analyze, the clearer the interpretations of natures and fortune will be.
4 Major Palm Lines for All Beginners to Absorb
Seek for insights about others simply by holding their hands?
What you need is none but knowledge about Palm reading Lines. The ancient art of Palmistry is insightful in its own way as your future is shown on your own hands for better or worse.
No need to look further!
The answers about your natures as well as destiny are addressed right on the lines of your palms. As the beginners, it is crucial to understand the lines first before making any progress regarding the hand analyses about skin texture, fingers, fingerprints, hand flexibility, etc.

Now, put your hands up and look closely at each palm to see if your palm lines are easy to be identified or not! Bearing in mind that the 4 major lines including Life Line, Heart Line, Head Line, and Fate Line give many secrets to unveil!
By playing with and interpreting these lines, it’s possible to know whether you’re born with the good fortune or the bad one.
- Firstly, Life Line is at the bottom of the palm curving around the base of thumb. It starts between the index finger and thumb that gives information about your life-span, physical vitality or energy level. In Palm reading, the length of Life Line may indicate the span of your existence. The longer the line is the better. In that sense, the overall quality of life is shown via this vital line.
- Secondly, Head Line is in the middle of the palm running across horizontally. It represents your brain with certain level of intelligence, talent, memory, etc. Every trait related to mind and brainpower is expressed via this line. The shape and length of Head line are also examined for the insightful interpretation. For instance, broken Head Line may reflect some mental disadvantages.
- Thirdly, Heart Line is at the top of the palm indicating a person’s emotional aspects from love to romance. Every issue around your relationship and emotion is displayed via the shape of this line. For example, broken Heart Line may allude to the emotional trauma when it comes to love.
- Fourthly, Fate Line travels from the base of palm towards the middle of palm vertically. Notice that not everybody owns this special line! The Fate Line is linked to your fate, career path, success, etc. Claming that you have short and shallow Fate Line, you are manipulated by others. Differently, the long and deep line lets the world know that you own strong vitality to take control over fate.
Life Line Overview

Life line is representative of human vitality and our certain life length, which is seen as one of the most crucial parts for your hand analysis. To be honest, this life would be always present for your reading. Furthermore, the Life line palm reading chart is provided on the Internet nowadays, which could make the whole process much easier than ever!
Let the chart help you to finally determine if the other lines would ever say about you.
As a whole, when the line tends to swoop down to approximately one inch and right above the base of the palm. After that, it can totally display one life expectancy of around 70 years for all women and then 60-65 for men.
For most of the situations, the line can start on the edge of the palm, and then stay between the index finger as well as the thumb. It will begin to extend across the middle of the palm as well as wrap around the thumb’s bottom.
Speaking about the Life line, it’s supposed to be kind of long and deep in some certain ways, which tells us another meaning that it’s going to be a long life.
What does that mean?
First, we can perceive it as a sense of vitality and health. In case that it’s a short line, but then so intense and deep, then we could see it to be showing such a great vitality during a person’s life along with the capacity of overcoming the most serious health issues.
Nevertheless, if it’s like a short and shallow line, we could consider it to decipher how possible it is to have the tendency to be easily controlled by the others. As for the other extra lines, they’re always noticed to be the vitality lines.
If the Life line starts to get doubled, or even tripled, this would show another great vitality for the entire life as well as the other positive forces surrounding you.
How about being so straight and kind of sticking to one specific side of the palm, then this is called one sign of a limited exploration of romance and another careful nature for real.
In another case, when the line has the tendency to expand to the middle of the palm, far away from the specific thumb towards the bottom of the man hand. In other words, the line tells us about a life comprising of several traveling stuff.
The Life Line in Palm Reading
It is believed that our Life line refers to the strength of our vitality, and provides an indication of how long we shall live. To be described as one of the most significant lines on our palm, we all possess this major line.
It is easy to realize that most of the other lines are interpreted in relation to this Life line.
How to recognize the Life line?
Generally, the line will start from the edge of the palm between the forefinger and the thumb, and then run across the middle of the palm, like an arc.
Markings on the line represent some important events, trials and tribulations, travels, success and triumph. From this line, we are totally able to read the potential in our life and even predict the future.
Special markings on the Life line reveal specific events that occurred in our life. Often, the line will be split into 3 parts (representing youth, adult and old age) to help consider when these events occurred or can occur.
The Meanings of Various Depths, Lengths and Shapes of the Life Line
One of the lines on palm that people are most curious to discover is the Life line. Actually, this line starts between the forefinger and the thumb, and then continues to run towards the base of the thumb.
Interestingly, a popular misconception about this Life line is that it tends to disclose how long we will live or even when we shall die.
Nevertheless, it does reveal some information about encounters in our life, health, physical and emotional beings and relationships with others.
- The deep and long line: denotes good health, vitality, stamina and well-balanced person.
- The deep and short line: denotes the incredible ability to deal with many physical problems. It is truly a myth that the short line will mean the short life. Once the Life line is shallow and short, it can indicate that other people around us may easily control or influence us.
- The deep line: denotes the smooth life cycle.
- The faint line: denotes an individual with low energy, and he has less desire for an adventurous life.
- The chained line: We are susceptible to any emotional issue or health-related problem. We can also experience a life which may take us in different directions.
- The broken line: denotes losses, struggles, interruptions or unexpected changes in our way of living, an illness or an accident. Specially, a break in this Life line on 1 hand may reveal that we can get ill and recover soon. On the other hand, a break in this Life line on both hands can disclose what we can suffer from a serious disease or illness.
- The forked line: Actually, this kind of line will possess various meanings, based on its position on our hand. In general, forks denote redirection, life change or interruption. At times, it may mean that we seem to be surrounded by the split or scattered energies. When it leads towards the Mount of Jupiter, it denotes recognition and success. Once it leads towards the Mount of Moon, it signifies that we will travel to the far-off places.
- The absent line: denotes an anxious, nervous and high-string person.
- The double or triple line: reveal that we are covered by the positive energy, and we own the great stamina. It is supposed that we can find our true mate on life path very quickly. Nonetheless, in some cases, it can also signify that we are living the double life.
- The extra line: known as the vitality lines. It means that once our Life line is doubled or tripled, it suggests a wonderful vitality in our life, and bright forces around us.
- The straight line: this is indicative of a limited discovery of love and a highly cautious nature.
- The donut line: refers to hospitalization as the result of any accident.
A square on the line shows the protection at a time when we are really in need of someone’s help. It can also mark a turning point in our life. Some small lines across the Life line tend to show either danger or worry. However, a star represents some sort of crisis.
The lines extending up and above this major line represents the capability of recovering from the tough circumstances.
Vitality and Strength for Life Line
With one or a few clicks away, we will start to go to have a quick view into the Life line in which the line stands for the vitality and strength. We’re so sure that this is the most meaningful one in your hand, and would be often available for our reading.
In short, your palm reading might require you to use quite a lot of readings at first. More frequent than not, your dominant hand or the one used very often in daily life should be read.
It’s going to be the one which is meant to determine your own future life, and the other non-dominant one would be utilized to decide the past or the most latent personalities.
Most of the hand analysts would normally have a cautious look into the most basic characteristics of the palm for most of the readings right prior to consulting the palmistry chart. About three main lines are mentioned here, which basically include the Head line, Heart line and then the Life line for Life line palm reading chart at last.
Together with them, the travel lines as well as the girdle of Venus would be supposed to be the other minor lines. Besides, we also have the travel or marriage line.
How to Read Palms?

To be known as an ancient art, palm reading or Palmistry dates back to 2000 B.C. In fact, this divine art was initially connected with the astrological practices of Gypsies and Magicians.
It is believed that we are totally able to get a glimpse of some upcoming events, just interpreting the palms’ lines and hands’ shapes. Regardless of whether Palmistry can serve as a tool for fun, this olden art even impresses many individuals with possible accurate prophecies.
In general, our palm will possess the 4 major lines including the Life line, the Heart line, the Head line and the Fate line. Each of these lines will create a separated area on the palm, correlating with some important aspects of life. When time passes, these lines may be evolved and changed.
Here are some simple and basic ways to read your palm
The Heart line
The Heart line is the one on the top of our palm. This palm line refers to relationship of an individual.
What will happen if she falls in love?
If it is associated with some small lines across it, it indicates some troubles in her romantic life. In case this line curves, her personality traits are expressive. When Heart line is long, she is highly powerful in any her relationship.
The Head line
The next line below Heart line is considered as Head line, relating to personality of a person.
What kind of personality does she have?
If Head line is short, she tends to enjoy something physical. Once the line curves, it symbolizes that she is very creative and interested in creativity-related work. In case it goes through some small lines, it means that she is not confident of any decision she makes.
The Life line
The line on the bottom of the palm is called Life line. This line controls the age of an individual and how many years she will live. The short line reveals that she is easily manipulated by others while the long one represents that her vitality level is high. When the line curves, it signifies that she possesses a lot of energy.
The Fate line
The Fate line locates in the center of the palm and vertically links through others. Actually, this is the faint line, so we can find it hard to recognize it. This line discloses a person’s health.
The bold line indicates that she shall be healthy in her lifetime. In case it is associated with many small lines, it means that her health can not be good, and she may get sick again and again.
What is Palmistry in Psychology?
It’s known that the online Palmistry has some relations to the human psychology.
We know that this is actually one of the most common studies of hand lines, which could help to display the most noticeable sub-conscious mind and the capacity of thinking. It’s the lines of hand would be nothing else but the waves of the subconscious mind.
Whatever we start to think that method to be either positive or negative, the lines of our hands have the capacity of impacting ourselves as well as the thinking owned by us.
It’s stated that the straight and deep lines are indicative of pretty good or positive thinking whilst the broken lines can be seen not to be good at all.
About 25% of part of human brain is assumed to actually adjust the hands right from the wrist to the tip of finger. Besides, the hand is stated to be the mirror of the personalities. The lines could determine different elements which are so important to assume for the right predictions.
In addition, one hand having the certain length, width firmness, or hardness should be seen by the time one’s future life is predicted. Moreover, palmistry is separated into two different sections, including the shape of hand along with the lines of hand. It’s the lines that can indicate everything from ups and downs of the life, which could offer one general idea about the past as well as the future life.
Also, one hand bearing specific mounts or shapes would be able to indicate the most basic instincts of one individual.
Therefore, it’s needed to learn both of them, which is the most essential to read your own future. First, let’s start to talk about the hand shape here. If you’ve got a long palm, then it means that you’re a true thinker when having to plan everything in life.
Further than that, you have the ability of analyzing things and creating plans. The folks owning short palms won’t ever think twice. Additionally, most of them will no longer get any deeper into the subject at all, since they would better take decisions on impulse.
If a person bears the flexible skin, which could mean that he or she might have the high flexibility in overall ideas.
By saying so, it’s good to know that people having such a skin would tend to accept new ideas as well as bearing a completely great intellect. Besides, everyone having firm palm become firmer in ideas and can change their ideas soon.
Palm Reading Chart and Meanings

As long as you have interest in Palm Reading and Palmar Chart, the art of gaining insights by holding a person’s hand and reading his palm lines is definitely engaging and magnetic. Some individuals can’t help stopping analyzing the others’ hands.
Therefore, it is very normal to be equipped with the basic knowledge about Palm Reading Chart and Meanings before starting the official practice.
Understand the Basics of Palmistry and the Chart
Palmistry or Chiromancy is the ancient art of learning a person’s physicality of palm and its lines that helps to uncover the hidden truths about his or her natures as well as fortune. Since the concept alludes to the vast areas of techniques and experience, every newcomer is advised to get involvement in several issues depicted in the Palm Reading Chart such as palm lines, hands’ shapes, mounts, etc.
Without much experience, you should do researches about the core lines on your own palm. How many important lines are there in the palm? Significantly, no Palmist can ignore the visible depth of the 3 lines: Life Line, Heart Line, and Head Line.
The analyses of these lines create the map of your life patterns from emotional aspects to the physical ones.
With the widespread practice across the world, the Chart comes in many different variations. Anyway, it works on the basics of Palmistry Techniques that study a person’s palm lines based on their shapes, depth, and length. In case of some minor lines like Marriage Line and Children line, you need the Chart to trace their exact locations.
In some cases, it is necessary to use the magnifying glass to make them visible.
Undoubtedly, the art of looking at the others’ hand brings many insights and truths. Hence, it is concurred that the future is lied on your own hand for better or worse. It is the lines on your dominant hand that denote the potential talent and inherent traits.
While the Life Line means your general well-being and life-span, the Head Line denotes your brainpower and attitude towards life.
How about the Heart Line?
As its name has indicated, the line’s meanings allude to your reaction to the matters of heart. For instance, the deeper the Heart Line is, the stronger your love life is. Of course, you’re the ones that can fight for love fulfillment in the long run.
In addition to palm lines, Palm Reading Chart is also involved in the mounts, hands’ shapes, and fingers. Therefore, to master the Chart well, it takes years and months!
Guide to Read Palm Lines
According to palm reading guide chart, the hand we use a lot (the dominant hand) should be read first, and then continue reading the other hand (the non-dominant hand). The dominant hand will be the one, deciding our future while the non-dominant one is often used to identify the past or even the hidden qualities.
As we know, the lines on the palm are applied to determine our future prospect or personality traits. There are 4 major lines, including the Head line, the Life line, the Fate line and the Heart line.
Don’t worry!
The following table will give us a brief overview on these primary lines as well as how they may be explained on the palm reading chart. Apart from these lines, a couple of minor lines are also interpreted, like the marriage line, the girdle of Venus, and travel lines.
Lines On The Palm | Position | Interpretation |
The Heart Line | Curves upwards the end between the middle finger and the index finger |
An understanding and caring personality |
Curves to the end below the index finger | An artistic and adventurous personality | |
Straight | A very selfish personality | |
The Life Line | Curves totally around the thumb | Good mental and physical health |
Be forked upwards | A positive standpoint and lifestyle towards life |
Be forked downwards | An introvert and a pessimist | |
The Head Line | Curves downwards | A sensitive personality, along with a strong inclination towards fantasy and literature |
Curves upwards to the pinkie finger | An aptitude for Business Studies, Math, and Logic | |
No head line or broken head line | Owns different interests or even specializes in certain fields respectively |
The Fate Line or The Destiny Line |
Absent Fate line | A cozy , yet uneventful life ahead |
A fork in the Fate line | Implies a great amount of wealth in store |
A unbroken Destiny line and runs straight across |
A successful life ahead |
Of course, it is always better to make use of the information to refer to or discover what field we are good at most.
Furthermore, keep in mind that the Life line is not relating to the length of our life.
As a result, the short Life line does not necessarily mean that we will die soon! If possible, don’t mind paying a visit to a real hand analyst for a more accurate and valuable result!
Palm Reading Diagram and a Glimpse at Mounts and Hands’ Shape
Ever pondered about what these countless lines on our palm depict, and why they are located out there?
We are able to find the convincing answers via palmistry, also known as chiromancy.

The truth is that palm reading is truly the art of foretelling the future, or a person’s life through analyzing the lines on his/her palm.
Yes, this special practice has been going on from immemorial time, and every civilization and culture has tended to embrace this art. As a result, individuals across continents have liked to practice this intriguing-but-unbelievable art.
Are you the palm-reading enthusiasts?
On a day-to-day basis, a palmist will make use of the palm-reading chart to make her predictions. Actually, there are different schools of Chiromancy; thus, the method of interpretations will be different from each other. At the present time, there are 3 basic schools of Palmistry including Chinese, Indian and Greek palmistry.
Want to get some common palm-reading basis?
The guide below will give us a hand!
- Mounts
Believe it or not, the mounts on our palm should be paid much attention while foreseeing the future. In fact, these mounts are derived from Greek palmistry.
What are mounts?
They are simply the ‘mounts’ of the flesh underneath each finger.
The following are their locations and interpretations:
- Mount of Venus (Situated underneath the thumb): Indicates love, artistic sense, and beauty.
- Mount of Jupiter (Situated below the forefinger): Indicates how we perceive the world, our accomplishments and ego.
- Mount of Saturn (Situated underneath the middle finger): Indicates hard work, practicality and patience.
- Mount of Mercury (Stayed at the base of the pinky): Indicates business skills, versatility and wit.
- Mount of Apollo (Below the ring finger): Indicates energy, compassion and creativity.
- Mount of the Moon or Luna Mount (Lain at the lower part forwards the end of our palm, underneath the thumb): Indicates creativity, shyness and passion.
- Shape of the Hands
Believe it or not, the hands’ shape is often the first thing that we notice.
Based on the shape of our hand, we can have the Earth, Water, Fire or Air hand.
- Earth Hand: Broad square palms and fingers with the rough skin
- Water Hand: Short oval-shaped palms with the long flexible conical fingers
- Fire Hand: Rectangular or square palms with the flushed or pink skin
- Air Hand: Square or rectangular palms, long fingers with the dry skin
- Decipher The Mysteries Of The Fingers
- Index Finger or Jupiter
In general, a long index finger reveals leadership and ambition qualities. It also reflects magnetism in one person as well as appealing ability to command over others. Nevertheless, the drawback here is that this person will be quick to react and short-tempered once his authority is challenged.
- Middle Finger or Saturn
To be considered as the longest finger, the middle finger typically stands for maturity and balance in life. It tends to reflect how good individual is in dealing with his responsibilities.
- Ring Finger or Apollo
The finger of Apollo or ring finger usually reflects love for creativity, aesthetics, emotional and romantic disposition.
If it tends to reach the bottom of the middle finger’s nail, then it indicates the balanced character while shorter length discloses a person’s inability to show his inner emotions. In case this ring finger crosses the base of middle finger’s nail, it signifies that he expresses his feeling very easily.
- Little Finger or Mercury
The little finger stands for business acumen and communication abilities. Its ideal length should be the base of the 1st phalange of the ring finger. A shorter little finger denotes poor business skills as well as difficulty in communication.
On the other hand, if the finger of Mercury is longer than its ideal length, an individual is supposed to be good at communication and business.
- Thumb
A large space between the index finger and the thumb often reflects a trustworthy personality trait. At that time, a well-developed 1st phalange of the thumb reveals determination to fulfill one’s dreams.
However, in case it tends to be over-developed or extra long in comparison with the lower section, it can reflect an inflexible and stubborn disposition. The lower phalange can provide an idea of one’s ability for the logical reasoning.
Indian Palm Reading Guide
Analyzing meanings of potential capacities or forecasting future of a person’s palm might be called the science of palm reading.
Indian palm reading is known as a practice in India thousands of years ago. Its main objective is to help a person discover their hidden potentiality and instruct them to attain their goals.
Basically, Indian palm reading guide often studies about the person’s past and future. This way is quite helpful for those who love exploring their own potentialities and future. Truly, it’s not hard to determine your nature, hidden potential, career information, aptitudes, or predicting of any trouble that could come in way.
You are able to discover lots of lines in Indian Palmistry, consisting of parents, siblings, education, fame, life, enemy, and so forth.
Additionally, you might meet couples of promising signs that people love finding like bow, circle, Trident, fish, triangle, lotus, etc. In case that these signs are found in their appropriate places, they will enhance your status, success, fortunes, fame, and lots of other things.
Study some lines by availing Indian palm reading
Line of father
This line begins from Mount of Jupiter and surrounds a half of Mount Venus. It talks about happiness with the father.
Line of mother
This line runs parallel with the life line and down from Mount of Mars. It implies about your intelligence in studying. Besides, it also mentions the happiness with your mother.
Line of longevity
This line begins from the base of Mercury and ends on Jupiter. It mainly mentions the health, particularly about the continuation of the progeny. Moreover, it implies a person’s spiritual qualities and religion.
Line of fate
All we know that the fate line is the most unbelievable one in the person’s fate. However, it might reveal some important factors i.e. character, family happiness, efficiency, houses, lands, etc. If reading this line, you should consider auxiliary lines to get a better result.
Line of brothers and sisters
This line is often on the Mount of Venus, and it mentions the number of sisters and brothers in your life. Bear in mind that this line doesn’t talk about your step brothers or sisters.
Line of marriage
This line begins from the Mount of Mercury and ends before the Sun Mount. To some people, they might have one or more lines of marriage.
Marriage line can also help you find the life partner name in hand.
Palm Reading Quiz Online
Can Palm Reading Quiz Online Help You Read Your Own Palm Easily?

Originated in India, palmistry is the art of foretelling or characterizing the future of an individual through the reading of palm lines.
For centuries, this method has certainly existed under many variations and techniques; especially now, when it comes to interpreting the meaning of palm lines, you can brush up on palm reading quiz online to find the answer for what you are confusing about including your future, personality traits, and even personal potential.
Palm reading has always been of interest for people, no wonder that the ancient art of chiromancy has survived millennia.
During the whole history of humanity, this complex science continued intriguing people of practically all states and all social layers. In this article, we’ll inform you to read your own palm online absolutely for free by taking palm reading personality quiz.
Are you curious about your love, health, and money?
Maybe you want to have a look at palm reading money line for insights!
Just spend a couple minutes to give the answers to a series of questions regarding the lines in your hand and you’ll get a personalized palmistry online report.
Read Your Own Palm with Palm Reading Quiz
How to read your palm?
Those who are the beginners, you must get acquainted with your 4 major palm lines – the heart line, head line, life line, and fate line. Once you’ve identified these major lines on each of your hands, you can get started on interpreting their different meanings. Remember that palm line shapes and positions tend to differ from one hand to another.
Once doing the free palm reading test, you are recommended to use your dominant hand for analysis. Of course, the lines and other patterns from the left hand will be a little different from the right hand.
While the right hand represents the practical, active side of a person’s personality, the left hand indicates the emotional side of your characteristic traits.
Some expert palmists advise women to read their left hand whereas men should use the right hand; yet, it’s a good idea to take a look at both hands. The palmistry test was designed using the best palm reading methods; however, you shouldn’t take it too seriously – only YOU can write your destiny.
What type of hand shapes is most similar to you?
Choose one before doing the reading:
- Palm is much longer than fingers
- Palm is square, and fingers are equal or longer than the palm
- Fingers are equal or longer than the palm, and the palm is covered with big amount of lines
- A wide-spread palm with strong fingers, not many lines on the palm
- Paliform hand
- Oval hand
Palm Reading Personality Quiz Unveil Secrets of Your Life
What does your palm reveal about your personality?
As you all know, palmistry (aka chiromancy) is an ancient method practiced all over the world. Its roots originated in Indian astrology and Roma fortune-telling. The objective is to evaluate an individual’s character and future by studying the palm of their hand.
Do you want to learn to gain insight?
Quickly take the palm reading personality quiz to understand your inner traits.
For many years, palm reading is the skill of knowing your fortunes and apprehending your personality from your palm lines and other related features. The advice of a detailed palm reading helps you become a better person, yet it requires the technique of telling fortunes and deciphering individuality from the palm lines.
There are four major lines on one’s hand – Heart Line (also Love Line), Head Line (also Wisdom Line), Life Line, and Fate Line – which help revealing their strengths, flaws, experiences, and where they are headed in life.
Is the prediction from the reading really accurate?
Everything begins with faith, tell yourself!
What are Popular Palm Quizzes Free Online?
Do you know how your hands reveal personal and psychic information?

As you probably recognize, handwriting, electronic voice print, and body language do reveal a lot about you. And, a palm reading can also unveil a lot about you – hand shape, color, and lines play help uncovering your psychological profile.
Do you want to gain a better self-understanding about yourself?
We decide to provide a list of popular palm quizzes that assist you in discovering your best skills, strengths, and weaknesses.
For sure, palm reading is a very helpful way to forecast an individual’s future and personalities authentically. The lines, patterns, and other formations as well as marks which appear on the palms and fingers can reflect and affect your success in life.
Though the general nature of a person’s hands doesn’t change, the lines, patterns, and formations do. Palmistry may relate to the physical state, emotional, mental and health condition, tendencies and modes of interactions with others.
Where to Get Free Palm Reading Quiz Online?
What does your palm reveal about you?
Originated in India and later moved on to China, Egypt, and Greece, now palmistry is popular all over the world. Quickly access online and take the popular palm quiz to find out the mysteries hidden in your hand palms. Though it can’t tell you exactly how long you will live or something likes that, the reading enables you to learn deep about your characteristic traits.
Here we present you the ‘sailor-games.com’ site – the website’s great for someone who wants to get started quickly rather than having to read a bunch of information before doing the quiz. Sailor-Games informs palm reading in a quiz format which allows the visitors to look at their hand and answer the given questions as best as possible.
Do as a professional reader, select the answers that seem relevant from multiple choices and your final result will be shown at the end.
Another great site offering free palm reading quiz online is Ofesite (ofesite.com).
This place presents the full picture of palmistry – a quiz (just like Sailor-Games) featuring full pages explaining the details about every aspect of palm reading. There are also images on each page to help you figure things out. The visitors can send a scan of their hand to one of the readers in this site.
Don’t hesitate to take a multiple-choice quiz and get your result emailed for totally FREE.
There are still many popular palm quizzes that are available online, such as Find Your Fate, Hand Analysis, Mystic Script, etc. Spend free time taking all these quizzes for great insights into your personalities and future.
How to Get a Palm Reading Online?
Learning to understand your hands and each individual line on the palm can take years of commitment and practice. Some may have a natural gift for palmistry – they are called ‘palmist’, but you still can read palms yourself even you are not gifted.
Simply learn and keep practicing before taking the ‘do your own palm reading quiz‘. When becoming accustomed to your palms, you can tell your individual personality and characteristic traits.
The first thing you need to do in a palm reading is to pick a hand. Not just any hand – focusing on your dominant hand if you want to gain insight into your work life as well as how you present yourself to the world; on the other hand, the passive hand can help to examine personal relationships, emotional struggles, and dreams.
Having trouble making out the lines?
According to palm analysts, a less prominent line indicates an area of life that may need work whereas a deeper one reflects the characteristics is strong and fully developed.
For even more hints, you should consider:
- Major lines – The head line, heart line, life line, and fate line
- Minor lines – The children lines, bracelet lines, health line, girdle of Venus, relationship line, intuition line, money line, etc.
- Mounts and markings
- Hand shapes using four main elements
- Finger shapes and thumb shapes
Learn about Chinese Palm Reading for Personality

Everything about your hand can be important clues indicating what kind of person you are and what lies in-store for you. For the purposes of a reading, you need to learn a few important basics to define your own temper and personality.
Can palm reading reveal your personality?
Of course, palmistry with the meaning of hand prediction is to learn a person’s personalities, fortune, and future by analyzing their hand palm. In fact, chiromancy not only refers to the reading of one’s palm; it also includes the reading of arm, fingers, and fingernails.
By observing their palm lines, hand shape & size, finger lengths, fingernails, etc., you can predict their character traits, wealth, health, career, marriage, and much more aspects. Now, carefully look at both your palms:
- Hand shapes – Earth hands, Air hands, Water hands, and Fire hands
- Minor lines – Line of Apollo (Sun Line), Line of Mercury (Health Line), Union Lines, Travel Lines, Children Lines, and Girdle of Venus
- Mounts – Luna Mount (Moon), Venus Mount, Jupiter Mount, Saturn Mount, Mercury Mount, Apollo Mount, Mars Negative (Lower Mars), and Mars Positive (Upper Mars)
- Finger prints – Whorl (Fire element), Loop (Water element), Arch (Earth element), and Tended Arch (Air element)
The palm reading personality quiz can help you understand your positive and negative attributes. Keep in mind that the palm lines are usually not fixed – it changes as you get older.
So, don’t take the quiz too serious since only your own effort and wisdom can help you have a positive outlook on life and develop a good personality.
In brief, though chiromancy can not be 100% accurate, and the charlatans may even use the old tricks to cheat the new seekers every day, we should appreciate the art of palm reading as well as the way it may be applied to pick up the clues to accurately depict an individual including his characteristics, love life, career, etc.
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