Have you found yourself interested in a Scorpio male?
If you are a woman not afraid to take on the challenge, this guy is for you.
Considered as a mysterious and insecure creature, Scorpio is very picky and hard to fall in love.
Getting him to give you attention requires much of your time and effort.
Compared to men of other zodiac signs, guys with Scorpio sign is famously difficult to interpret as well as win over. Because of Scorpio’s unapproachable personality, women tend to look for tips to conquer his heart.
In this article, Peter Risdon will let you know what attracts Scorpio men to a woman and keys making yourself more appealed to him.
Following the information below, you will obtain a chance with the man of your dream.
Table of Contents
How to Get a Scorpio Man to Fall in Love with You?

#1: Challenge him
Do you know what makes Scorpio man want you?
For ladies planning to attract this guy, you must master the ‘play hard to get’ technique. Learn how to play the mouse-and-cat game; this will take you one step closer to his heart. Though he is extremely loyal, he may soon get bored if you do nothing to remain his affection to you.
If you are the servile or ingratiating type, it’s hard for you to earn his respect.
Whether you get involved with him in a romance or any relationships, this man always sees you as his equal.
#2: Give him his own space
Scorpio man is not interested in a clingy partner.
Due to his nature, this is a cold and distant person. So, don’t be surprised when he wastes such a very long time to open up and trust someone. Patience is the key of attracting him!
When you try to learn about this guy, don’t ask too many questions related to his personal affairs. He also dislikes anyone digging into his secrets or private corner on all social media pages. It’s never a wise thing to force him change any of his habits or traits.
You should make Scorpio man to miss you, not to let him run away from you.
Once he allows you to step into his inner circle, you will immediately feel his warmth and loyalty.
#3: Be honest
What a Scorpio man wants in a woman?
He really hates the feeling of being betrayed by his loved ones and will never forget if this happens. Unlike others, this guy holds a terrible grudge. If you are thinking of making some little white lies with your Scorpio, never tell lies as it enables to ruin the possibility and longevity of your relationship with him.
Make sure you have to be honest with a zodiac Scorpio guy, even though you two are just dating.
Although he prefers an air of mystery between you and him, it doesn’t mean you can tell your crush the obscured truths. Since he values honesty more than anything, it’s a must to answer his question with sincerity.
Such a wise choice will mark you as Scorpio’s potential girlfriend
#4: Be flirty
Keep in mind that Scorpio is the most sensual sign in the zodiac.
Well, it doesn’t mean sex is all he wants once starting a love relationship. However, by knowing ways to attract a Scorpio man physically, you will get the key to unlock his heart and be with him for a long time.
Catch up with his intense passion or his mood may strike.
To strengthen a relationship with a Scorpio man, you must learn how to spark his sexual desire deep inside…maybe a little buildup or teasing takes much of your time, but it’s totally worth trying. Also, whenever having a conversation with this guy, remember to keep it light and grab any opportunity to act a bit of playful and flirty.
Will you be able to turn him on?
How can you tell that he mysteriously gets attracted to you? Probably you want to discover most common signs a Scorpio man is into you.
#5: Display an air of mystery
How to get a Scorpio man attention?
My answer is – be mysterious!
As you all know, both Scorpio and Aquarius are two most curious astrology signs in the zodiac; however, Scorpio is on a higher level. Very inquisitive by nature, this man craves to know everything about you; remember that this trait will always be with him even after you two are together for a long time.
The issue here is – you shouldn’t reveal all of yourself at once; instead, I advise you to be as mysterious as him so that you can arouse his curiosity.
I know you like him a lot, but try not to see him too often. At the same time, please make sure that he is planning for his chase as well as to get to know you. Generally, become an aloof woman and act as you don’t want your Scorpio to obviously know about your intentions.
#6: Be an independent woman
What kind of woman attracts a Scorpio man the most?
Characteristically, the Scorpio male is accomplished, self-sufficient, and independent in nature. That’s why he tends to seek out for ladies who possess those similar personality traits.
You have to be independent and confident to capture the attention of the Scorpio male. He has no interest in women who are too timid, reserved, and introvert. Let your personality shine when talking with the independent-minded guy.
Remember that confidence has no relation to the loud, flashy nature; so, does not cross the line.
#7: Understand his personality well
If you want a Scorpio man to fall for you for a long time, then it’s a must to know about his personality on an in-depth level.
This guy is complicated and hard to deal with; therefore, before you want the answer for whether this guy is interested in you, you should make research about him.
He is an independent, passionate, and extremely loyal. Never taking love too lightly, all he looks for is a long-term committed relationship. Though he enjoys challenges, his interest in you will slowly fade if you play push and pull for too long.
The right timing is very important when attracting a Scorpio!
#8: Confidently speak up your mind
This guy has a huge impression for women who aren’t afraid of speaking their mind freely and honestly. When having conversations, don’t hesitate to talk to him about what you like and dislike, your life goals, and other stuff. Remember to show him the passion in your eyes.
Display the confidence in your voice and you’ll get all of his attention.
The smarter you look, the more attractive he finds you. Since a Scorpio is quite competitive and enjoys challenges, it’s a good idea to start a serious talk with him in which you two will discuss about the current affair on politics or economy.
Those topics seem to be heavy for a woman; however, he will immediately be drawn to you if you can manage that well.
#9: Be sincere
When pursuing a Scorpio man, you shouldn’t draw a line between you two. He won’t be able to make his approach if you are too guarded; instead, get closer to him by exposing your deepest emotion.
This guy when falling in love is very curious about his love interest. Hence, being honest with him about your feelings is a good way to win his heart. Tell him your thoughts about certain things and display you true emotions in every conversation. Different colors of you will certainly attract him!
If Scorpio man is not interested, he wouldn’t have the passion to know about you. So, in case he asks you anything, take that gold chance to show him your inner beauty as well as your truest self.
#10: Let him be himself
Even though he may be a bit shy or reserved, it doesn’t mean that you can control him or force him to reveal anything since the very first meeting. He feels extremely uncomfortable if being told by anyone, especially those whom he barely knows about.
He is a secretive person, so it probably takes him several months to open up to someone. Rather than pushing him to put down his guard, you’re advised to give him time until he completely trusts you.
He dislikes being in control; thus, don’t tell him what to do or how to get things done. Simply let him be whatever he wants to be. Be attentive to everything he says as sometimes he will make questions to make sure if you’re keeping up with his talk.
What Kind of Woman Attracts a Scorpio Man?
If you want to be the lady of his dream, then here are a few things to remember.
As mentioned earlier, he doesn’t like to be told he’s wrong; especially if you criticize him harshly. When it comes to making his point, the Scorpio male is confident and honest; that’s why he doesn’t expect to get involved with a ‘yes’ woman.
In most conversations, he needs to be questioned and challenged. Don’t be afraid of engaging him in debates; nevertheless, you must have enough knowledge and know exactly what you are discussing about.
It’s precise to develop a connection with him on the mental & intellectual levels.
So, you should be a person that can handle strong challenges because Scorpio man will never give in just because he likes you. Get prepared for intellectual arguments. Keep in mind that this guy will not admit the fact they are defeated; thus, it’s necessary to stop the debate at the appropriate moment.
Don’t let it turn into an intense conflict!
In Conclusion
With all these tips in mind, now you can prepare better for the purpose of winning your Scorpio man’s heart. The process of getting him to fall in love with you is not easy, especially at the initial stage.
However, don’t give up quickly. Be a little more patient and you will soon be able to build a strong connection with this guy. The relationship with a Scorpio is certainly rewarding and brings you many great moments.
How is the compatibility of this guy?
It seems like his relationship with Virgo woman, Scorpio woman or Pisces woman is built to last. The combination of Scorpio-Sagittarius does not meet the expectation as both have nothing much in common.
Lastly, please note that a Scorpio man in love is romantic, loving, loyal, and tender. But sometimes he can become envious and extremely possessive. If you think that playing games of jealousy can attract him to you, then you are so wrong.
Get ready for an adventure ride with your Scorpio man!
For any question about this topic, simply contact Peter Risdon via comment!
Hey my name is Sarah I have man is Gemini I m depression and I used to have feeling and crush on him cuz right now I feel very empty because I m very depression because my medicine aren’t working I mistunderstand why when first time starting date I pick him up I felt warning what does it mean and I don’t know if god wanna us be tgther forever because right now evil are harm me and blocked my medicine and I m good person I m alway honest cuz I m sober for three years and I work hard and take care of him sometimes he acted baby and I don’t know if he put my life willing evil go away and my medicine working again and mostly time I dream about missed love him and feeling smile enjoying life and we really needed praying I m thinking about magnetic t m s for depression make me happy and having feeling again
Hi Sarah,
Depression isn’t something you can “overcome”. One of the many classic signs of depression is you no longer enjoy things you used to enjoy. Another is pulling away from people, being very antisocial.
The only good thing about depression is it responds very well to treatment.
Step 1. Go to your general practitioner to get checked out. Some illnesses cause or contribute to depression.
Step 2. Go to a mental health professional. My recommendation from having depression off and on for 48 years is A Therapist and A psychiatrist. The help you will receive there will be life changing. Even if you have to mortgage “the farm” to afford it, it’s worth it to get your life back.
I wish you the very best.