Astrologically, the Scorpio born is known as a secretive, intense, and (kind of) obsessive individual.
Who will be Scorpio best match for marriage?
The most excellent match for people of this zodiac sign is someone who can understand Scorpio’s true nature as well as appreciates their brave and competitive sides.
Being in a relationship with a Scorpio means you will get on a free ride full of emotions and love. A Scorpio in love will never take anything tedious and ephemeral; in fact, they are very serious and loyal for commitment.
When finding a life partner, they want to be with the person having intention to stay with them forever.
Scorpio seems to get along very well with Pisces, Cancer and Virgo.
Table of Contents
What is Scorpio Compatibility in Marriage?

As a water sign, Scorpio is most compatible with other water signs: they are Pisces and Cancer.
When two water signs come together in a relationship, they understand each other well on an emotional level, feel mutual affection, and easily sympathize for the other. The issue here is: both can get fed up with a relationship having too much ease
If there’s no challenge or change, they may feel bored and stagnant.
On the zodiac wheel, Virgo is one of potential matches for Scorpio as two of them can build a marriage life that lasts for a lifetime.
Now let’s check out Scorpio compatibility in marriage:
1. With Pisces (19 Feb. – 20 Mar.)
The pair of Scorpio and Pisces is considered as a very strong match.
They are completely different; indeed, they are really opposite to each other. Despite of this, they make a great couple overall.
This is the opposite attraction we often call!
Both are water signs, so they share a natural psychic bond; not surprising at all if both instinctively understand each other’s thoughts and desires. When these two signs fall in love, it’s like they were born for one another because of their compatible personalities and characters. No matter what Scorpio lacks, Pisces can complement well.
Most importantly, they share a natural sense of trust.
What makes Pisces a perfect match of Scorpio?
The Pisces individual is affectionate, understanding, and passionate; in other words, they are the dream lover of other zodiac signs. Embracing by their selfless love, Scorpio feels happier, more secure and satisfied.
Surprisingly, Pisces is the only sign not ignoring Scorpio man after an argument as they are empathetic in nature.
2. With Cancer (22 Jun. – 23 Jul.)
How is Scorpio love compatibility rate with Cancer?
Both Scorpio and Cancer have many similarities; nevertheless, their emotions are not on the same level. Though they are intense individuals with strong, deep feelings, they feel in different domains.
Nether of them falls in love easily because they are cautious with their feelings and lack security. Fortunately, they can let their guards down once really understanding each other. They are kindred souls when being together; moreover, they manage to solve any kind of problems well thanks to their harmonious bond.
The Cancerian is an open-minded, frank, and innocent person. Rather than telling lies, they choose to be truthful to their mind. They are very devoted and loyal to their partner, and that’s all a Scorpio needs.
When it comes to the marriage compatibility for Scorpio, Cancer is definitely one of the best matches.
They will become a good spouse who always gets your back and supports their partner no matter what happens.
3. With Virgo (24 Aug. – 23 Sep.)
The relationship of Scorpio and Virgo is built on common ground and mutual feelings because both share a strong sense of intuition with their inner selves.
They love to learn about each other on a deeper level.
On top of that, these two are known for being observant and analytic; thus, they can easily catch slightest changes in their partner’s attitude or demeanor. Whatever they do, they will prepare a potential explanation and then share with one another.
Virgo is the type of practical person, not impulsive at all. Sometimes Scorpio finds Virgo quite timid and weak. Though they are compatible, they have very different perspectives and attitudes towards life. While one is careful and always plans for their actions, the other is just opinionated and spontaneous.
Together they make a good pairing; nonetheless, it’s not certain that both of them can stand each other for long.
If Scorpio and Virgo want to commit to each other, then they must have serious, understanding talks as much as possible. When all the barriers fade away, Virgo can become an ideal partner of Scorpio.
Only Virgo has enough patience to ease the Scorpio’s intensity.
What to Know about Scorpio’s Elemental Matches?
As one of water signs on the zodiac cycle, Scorpio is highly intuitive, adaptive, and emotionally driven.
How is the Scorpio compatibility when only the elements are concerned?
It’s likely that Scorpio:
- Matches perfectly with other water signs (Cancer and Pisces)
- Gets along well with complimentary earth signs (Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn)
- Hardly catches up the understanding level of air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius)
- Completely clashes with fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo)
Because three air signs have the same elemental energy, it’s understandable that Scorpio feels comfortable being with Cancers, Pisces, and fellow Scorpios. These signs share a deep, emotional and introspective bond that no one can replace.
Scorpio also makes a generally good match with Virgo.
In Conclusion
Due to Scorpio dates in the birth chart, Scorpio best match for marriage is Pisces.
Besides, Cancer, Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, and fellow Scorpio are seemingly compatible with this zodiac sign. Scorpio can get along well and have firm relationships with water signs and earth signs.
In case they are paired up with Leo, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, then conflicts will appear as their personalities are clashed terribly.
Scorpio is very faithful and loyal in love relationships, so it’s extremely hard to make them open up in the beginning. Don’t give up quickly! The key is to show your patience and sincerity.
If you think there are still signs matching well with Scorpio but not mentioned in the article, leave your comments below.
Hi, Rolland. I have wondered something for so long and can’t find the answer. I am a Virgo sun, Cancer moon, Virgo venus woman. I am so heavily attracted to Scorpio men and I never understood why. I looked into my birth chart and there was nothing suggesting that I should or would be attracted to them. Maybe, could you explain why I may be attracted to Scorpios so much? Thank you!
Birthday: Sep.17
Hi Shyla,
Have you ever hear of opposites attract? Well Scorpio is your exact opposite and that is cause for a strong magnetic sexual attraction. And while that may be the case it may not be the best basis for a a long term relationship. You need to look at the whole chart- both yours and the Scorpio to see how all the planets interact with one another. Scorpio is the “complimentary opposite” of Virgo. Scorpio has the qualities Virgo lacks and admired and vice versa. Nonetheless they are opposites and apart from spectacular sexual connection such relationships seldom are long-run.
As a true Scorpio man, one who basically epitomizes the entire sign (read about Scorpio and you pretty much know everything about me), I can agree wholeheartedly that cancer must be my best possible match…
Just recently got into online dating. Honest to God, I just got into it for any sort of connection, open to all sorts of relationships but mainly just want to connect and have great sex and I wanted only local…However, I by chance had a very attractive cancer girl on the opposite end of the country indicate that she likes me profile, and all the sudden I don’t care about the distance between us. I don’t care if I must wait months before we could even meet, not even guaranteed to hookup. I feel an instant connection. I’m not going to say it’s love because we barely talked yet, but it’s an instant and totally unexplainable connection.
I suddenly would fight for this one, would do whatever it takes to build the trust and would even consider uprooting and moving across country if our relationship can build long distance first. It’s pure hunch at this point, but it feels so right. I have never even come close to feeling this way and never expected to. Don’t know if this is the one, but if anything it has taught me that if I ever gain a true soulmate, chances are, that girl would have to be a cancer!
i’m a scorpio woman (nov 8th), my boyfriend is a leo man (july 31st). can we be together forever (marriage)? we’ve been together 2 years, then we broke up 2 years, than this years we’re in relationship again
Hi dear,
A Scorpio and a Leo is a hit or miss. The main problem of this pair is how much they both want to be right, that and I want to talk about the issue right then and move on. Leo’s like to ignore anything if they think you may be right anyway, and then just move on like nothing ever happened. Leo men seem to have a hard time admitting they could possibly be wrong. In turn, this will make you go crazy, which is where you think the possessive and jealously trait may come in for a Scorpio woman. Those two traits don’t come naturally for Scorpio, but when they do its usually because someone pushed you, which it seems Leo men love to do just that. My point is, it can either be awesome or not. I’ve yet to see an in-between with a Leo and a Scorpio, but if you two get past each others personalities that you may not like about one another, then I believe it can really be an amazing friendship and I would assume relationship as well.
Run! It will be a continuous merry go round…….. and you will feel empty, move on