What does Sagittarius male tend to do when he is into you?
Women often claim that it’s hard to recognize signals a man having a crush on someone as he is shy and rarely displays his feelings.

But, there is a great way you can try to get a glimpse of how your love interest behaves in return if he is also interested in you.
That’s reading him through his horoscope!
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Of course you can find the answer by asking his friends or even him in person, but this way is quite complicated and risky if you’re the reserved type.
Fortunately, just by reading his horoscope, you will gain in-depth understanding about him in various facets. If you’ve set your eye on a Sagittarius guy, then we recommend you to browse through all of his characteristics.
So, keep reading to discover several signs a Sagittarius man likes you.
Table of Contents
When a Sagittarius Man Falls for You
#1: He will become your close friend
Before getting himself involved in a serious relationship, this is the guy starting with friendship firstly. Initially he wants to build up a close connection with you as a friend rather than immediately dating, like Aquarius man.
If both are together without knowing about each other’s persona, Sagittarius is afraid of damaging the relationship.
So, when Sagittarius male tries to be a close friend with you, it means he wants to hang out with you and be more open with you.
He will not put much effort if he doesn’t like you!
#2: He will be supportive
How do you know if a Sagittarius man is into you?
If he is in love with you, he will become a supportive boyfriend.
Notice if he willingly gives you great support when you are suffering difficulties or having hard times.
You find that he always helps you as possible as he can? There is a very high chance in being his girlfriend.
Overall, being supportive is one of the obvious signs when a Sagittarius guy likes someone else.
#3: He will be honest with you
Honesty is like the foundation if you want to form a relationship with this male Sagittarius.
When falling in love, he most values the truth and honesty. The thing is: he is not easy to give out his honesty to everyone he meets.
He is not the type that can express his inner thoughts easily; hence, when he is open with you, the only possibility is that he really likes you.
Sagittarius man in love behavior is – he’ll be more comfortable when talking about his feelings and his past to you. In a relationship, he will not manipulate or take you for granted if he is truly into you and wants to make you happy.
#4: He will be very nice to you
This guy always dreams about a great relationship, as common as Capricorn and Taurus man.
Although he seems to be flirty due to his zodiac characteristics, he tends to give his best to the woman he loves and put lots of effort to strengthen the relationship.
Is your Sagittarius love interest is nice around you?
If you see the man figure out everything just to make you laugh and happy, then it’s the sign he wants to be in a love romance with you.
This is seen as one of the biggest signs that he has a crush on you.
#5: He wants to discover new things with you
Of all zodiac signs, he is an adventurous person; therefore, if he gets obsessed with you, he will want to go on wilderness adventures with you.
This kind of guy can’t resist of new things in this life as he always yearns to live to the fullest. If he invites you to somewhere exotic and asks you to join in his little adventure together, then that’s a sign telling he is falling for you and wants you to stay around.
When a Sagittarius man in bed feels something special about you, he immediately expresses his desire of sharing his passion with you.
#6: He will connect with you online
Wonder how does Sagittarius man express his love?
This person can’t help but keep looking for ways to enhance the love connection between you and him. And, he prefers the convenience of the Internet as it provides him the privacy and constant connection he needs.
You can tell that he is interested in you if this guy tries to reach out to you online. Notice to see if he sends you message over social media or simply links to some cool articles or fun videos he has come across.
No dull moment when being with a Sagittarius as he knows how to remain the conversation exciting and unpredictable. He gets excited once seeing you update your selfie or a random post.
#7: He will spend his time for you
A Sagittarius man can’t live without freedom.
As craving to enjoy the life to the fullest, he values his free time a lot.
Due to his desire of exploring the world, most of his spare time is invested in adventures. This is one of reasons why he often struggles to keep up with his loved ones (family, friends, and lover).
Nevertheless, one of the clear signs that Sagittarius male likes you is he tends to make extra time for you. In his freedom-loving life, it’s hard to share his valuable time as there are lots of things he wants to do. But, once he sets his heart on you, be rest-assured that you will be his priority. He will use his spare time to contact with you frequently, take you out, etc.
Even when he is just having a crush on you, this freedom-loving and fickle man will make his effort to express his feelings to you.
What to Do If a Sagittarius Man Likes You?
#1: Be honest with your feeling
Once a Sagittarius male confesses his feelings to you, you shouldn’t stall him or he will probably think you are playing around and not serious. Instead, try to tell him honestly and thoroughly if you are into him or not.
Be sincere and truthful as these are qualities of a person he appreciates most.
It’s better to show him your true self and he will even fall hard for you.
#2: Be adventurous
Always remaining an exciting air in whatever you do when being with a Sagittarius man.
This guy gets bored easily with the routines; therefore, you should stir his love for exploration by asking him to try doing some things new together. Don’t mind mixing things up!
He wants to live a fullest life, so it’s a good idea if you two can engage in thrilling, exotic adventures. Never think of revealing everything about you to him; he would appreciate and like you more if you enable to give of a sense of mystery.
#3: Give him space
Though he deeply falls for you, freedom is what Sagittarius man values the most.
He is not into a clingy woman. Of course he’ll make time for you whenever he can, but it doesn’t mean you can interrupt or show up in every moment of his life. In fact, your partner really appreciates alone time and does not like the feeling of being tied down.
It’s much more meaningful if you can give him some alone time.
So, all you need to do when dating a Sagittarius male is to leave him alone so that he can enjoy his own life without thinking about you. Don’t make constant calls or text him frequently – this guy will come back to you when he is ready again.
#4: Be yourself
Sagittarius is a sign indicating the truth, honesty, and sincerity.
Therefore, he doesn’t want to be with someone who keeps faking in front of him. Let him know what you are thinking in a natural way and he will unable to resist your charm.
Trying to become someone else cannot prolong the time staying with a Sagittarius.
In Conclusion
How to make Sagittarius man chase you, in general?
A Sagittarius enjoys freedom; thus, if you’re a clingy woman, there’s no chance he will be into you. He’s also a goal-oriented person and has a problem with keeping his promise. His bad habit is to promise more than deliver, even in love relationships.
The best way to know if this man truly likes you is to notice whether or not he makes you a priority in his life. No matter how busy he is, he still spends his extra time for you if you are really important to him.
Dating a Sagittarius man can be a lot of fun!
Because of his spontaneous, flirty, and somewhat flakey nature, women find it hard to create a lasting relationship with a Sagittarius man. However, the 12 clear signs above can help you recognize how his tendency of showing love is when he likes you with ease.
If you are in a relationship with the Archer guy and still wondering about the compatibility level of your relationship, here are signs seen as the best matches of Sagittarius on the zodiac: Leo, Pisces, Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio.
Are you ready to embark on a dating adventure with this sign?
For those who are in the ‘some’ stage with a Sagittarius, has he revealed that he likes you in displaying any of these signals?
Good luck with your romantic relationship with Sagittarius man!
I started talking to a Sagittarius, and I’m a gemini. We have been on point since we first started talking. He’s definitely adventurous and so am I. One thing though that has left me a bit confused is he had white lied about his birthdate and led me to believe it was a different date until 4 days later he came clean about the correct date. This is strange which I even told him and asked what he would think if I did that to him? We are suppose to see eachother this upcoming weekend but because I’m being careful with my heart I dont know if I should. It seems like a small lie but what if there are more that hasnt been known or more to come? What would you do?
Concerned Gemini
Dear Sammy,
Sure Sagittarius men do lie, but of course, all guys do at some point or another.
With this particular sign, as a prominent trait of the Archer, Sagittarius men are extremely honest in nature which sometimes makes them too blunt at times. As long as they are not honest to be irritatingly so, they are fine and are just as seemingly normal as other men are.
Been dating a sag for close to 3 years now, when we started he was never serious, didn’t have time for me but we saw each other every other day. I would tell him I love him and he wouldn’t respond which I didn’t mind. He once told me he likes me alot but not in love with me and I didn’t mind cause we were dating for under a year. He then introduced me to his kids and family but still wasn’t serious about the relationship. I found out he was still seeing his x whom he dated before me and was in a serious committed relationship with. Later on in our relationship he once told me he hadn’t had anything serious with any woman after his break up with his ex until I came along and that he had only started now to acknowledge that his in a kind of serious relationship with me cause now what ever he does he thinks of me interms of calling, texting, checking on me and stuff you do when you in a relationship. We use to fight every week and he would block calls and texts for 2 weeks. I normally would let him be and he would come back when his fine. 2 and a half years down the line, his a changed man, calls every day without fail, talks to me about everything under the sun, opens up about his feelings and hurts, his job, wants to always be with me, tells me he appreciates me, tells me he loves me. Makes time for me, tells his friends I’m his woman but a part of me is not sure what to make of him after the way he treated me when we started. I think him and his ex finally broke up but I know he still loves her. Not sure what to make of us, am I a rebound or does he love me.
Confused virgo woman
Dear Pamella,
Sagittarius guys are often about having fun and dont stay very committed to one person.
If I were you, I wouldn’t keep calling him, Sag’s hate clingy people and that will chase him off for good. Being a Virgo, you may be confused about his behavior and find it hard to trust him. If you want something serious, I suggest you move on, if you enjoy the casual fun you have, then let it ride.
Wow this describes him to a tee i am a pisces in a new relationship with a sag he was with me two weeks straight we been spending alot of time together I support him he does the same but at times i wonder does he take my kindness for a weakness he always says im too emotional he very blunt and truthful i dont want to be used or hurt at first it seemrd hsrd for him to make time for me he has alot of children and he spends alot of time with them at there moms house even though they are not together hes a great dad and i believe and trust him but not 100 percent
Dear BW,
I advise you to move on if you keep being insecure in a relationship – building up your insecurity will lead to misunderstandings btw you and him.
I met this Sag guy at work whose going thru a divorce . He was very friendly platonicly when I started working there. I am wary of guys still attached so I took forever to warm up to him. He even complained how aloof I was at times but I was just protecting myself.
Since he didn’t come on sexual at all I eventually let my guard down. But I fell for him, then he asked to spend time outside work. We got physically intimate for 6 mos. Then he just wanted to text & go for lunch every so often. I felt quite hurt & began to fade him out. But 2 mos ago he is showing up in places where I go, just standing & looking over at me. He also tries to run into me in the hall at work.
I dont understand this Sag guy at all. I my view he put me on the backburner before & I wanted no part of it. Now he appears almost obsessed with me for no reason. In my view this man is too independent for any woman to give her the attention she needs. He was always suddenly too tired or busy. Now out of no where he’s making a pest of himself. What’s going on here?
Do you live in Tennessee?
Dear Monica,
Scorpios are like this in nature when there is something in their head. They want to concentrate and give their 100% on that situation and that’s why he is acting this way and he is showing you that he is kinda busy in his thing and just wants to be alone. I think that you should just leave him alone, and he will come to you when he wants to.
I know it feels insecure but you should be ready for this Scorpio distance act they do this for many reasons but it would be better to leave them alone in this period. They are like this and no one can change it. Do not think that he is not interested in you…actually he is.
Trust me…he will come to you when he’s okay, just try to understand his actions and act!
I am a Leo woman dating a Sag man met March of 2017 things were great and was so loving and liked certain things during more intimate times in the bedroom. It is September 2019 the loves has seemed to slow down, he no longer likes the certain things he once did when we are intimate now. What has changed? Why does it feel like I am still so madly in love and still crave for his attention and touch, even cuddling would be nice but he is somewhat different now. It has not completely stopped he still kisses me when i come home from work, he holds my hand in the car, things like that but he still seems so distant, & I know he has A LOT on his plate right now that I will not discuss, and I am sure that has his mind else where, he has even stated that his mind is all over the place with all the things going on in his life right now. I still need to feel emotionally loved, needed & touched. But when I try I get no effort back in that area. When I give him space or when I tell him if he needs to talk or vent about the things he is going through, he will not. I am afraid if he doesn’t process all these emotions properly and just keeps burying them that things will only get worse for us and he will never heal and grow from the situations at hand in his life right now. What Can I do to help him process his emotions in a healthy way? How can I get our Love back to what it once was?
Dear Tavia,
Sags are not emotional in front of you at all. It’s really frustrated to be in love with a Sag as you never know what they are thinking. They are uncomfortable or feel uneasy about really emotional stuff and rather not deal with it no matter what it is. Even if its family or close friends unless it’s a situation they HAVE to deal with or make themselves.
There’s not a way they allow you to help them process their emotions.
Maybe you need to have a talk with him and then give him a couple of days to reload his confusing mind – it’s better to clear off any misunderstanding immediately.