He is definitely not a nice guy when trying to break off with you.
Are you suffering from the relationship with Scorpio man?
There’s one thing I should tell you about this guy: he can become a real jerk when he is done with you. Don’t be surprised if he treats you with an abrupt manner or says something rude to you.
No matter how serious you talk to him, he probably cuts off the conversation, suddenly yells or acts unruly without logic.
How to handle this guy?
Maybe you should consider leaving a Scorpio man alone in case he ignores you.
When his emotions take over, it’s difficult for him to handle things in a logical or reasonable way. If your Scorpio man senses that you’ve done anything terrible to him, he will be snippy and crappy.
So it’s better not to hurt him or you cannot live with him for a long term.
Table of Contents
When a Scorpio Man Ignores You…

Does Scorpio man stops communicating all of sudden?
Due to Scorpio personality traits, he is introspective and independent. In case he withdraws from you, it’s because he needs his own space to deal with his problems, stress, or workload.
Sometimes he’s also distant from you if he feels irritated with the current relationship. That’s when you’ll find him disappear for awhile (a few hours or even a few days) to clear his mind.
It may be not fair with you, but there’s no way to win your Scorpio partner back but to get to know and accept this trait of his. Well, this guy in love is complicated so it takes you much time to completely understand him.
If you’re unsure whether or not the Scorpio male is ignoring you, here are a few signs:
- He will avoid talking much to you as he normally does
- He will act distant and not open up his feelings with you
- He will get irritated whenever you show up around him
- He will stop doing any kind of physical contact with you, even holding hands or hugging
- He will say no to sex if feeling unhappy in love
When a Scorpio man feels the need to be alone, don’t interrupt him. Ignoring you doesn’t mean he’s no longer in love with you; thus, you shouldn’t take all of his withdrawals personally.
You should give him his alone time so that he can actually feel how important your presence to him.
If your Scorpio man is ignoring you, please do not ignore him back. Instead, you better remain patient because this guy will certainly return once he makes clear everything in his mind.
Why Scorpio Man Stops Communicating?
Scorpio man normally is attentive and responsive; however, he may become distant at times. Saying nothing, he just disappears and ignores all of your calls and messages – this often makes his partner worried.
Indeed, it’s normal for this guy to withdraw himself from his loved one.
As mentioned earlier, his disappearing acts will only be brought on the surface whenever he has to deal with his own matters, such as unhappiness, dissatisfaction, or stress.
Rather than asking an explanation from him, you’re advised to provide him space and time. Be patient and understanding Scorpio man behavior from his point of view. If you are in a relationship with this guy and he acts cold toward you, don’t claim that he does not love you.
He can be in love with you but still ignore you.
Being frustrating is simply one of prominent traits of his zodiac sign.
What to Do When Scorpio Man Ignores You?
You realize your Scorpio man has remained silent and distant with you for awhile, it is probably a sign you’ve done something which possibly upsets him.
If you notice that he is quiet, sulky, or angry, simply give him space.
Nevertheless, make sure the alone time you give to him doesn’t last too long or you may lose the connection between you and him; and as the result, both may break up in the end.
As I told you above, you should not ignore him in return, or it will turn into a competition of who is the best at ignoring each other. You will also never win against the stubborn Scorpio! Therefore, just be patient and send him messages occasionally to see how he is – don’t bombard him as well.
For example, if he comes back and acts like nothing happened and this upsets you, then talk to him directly. Have a serious conversation and express your true feelings, I recommend you to make a compromise with him to stop this issue occurring again.
1. Understanding him
When your Scorpio man displays his disappearing acts, it may be due to many factors – there’s a possibility you upset him, but he can get stressed because of other external things.
Unfortunately, this guy tends to throw his anger onto the people he loves most.
The reason is because he expects those to understand for his behavior. In the relationship with you, he knows you love him so there’s no chance he will lose you.
Did I tell you this guy can be selfish?
In case you are not the primary reason for his disappearing acts, the best thing to do is to still give him his own space. Never force him to explain everything, or he’s likely to explode. Leave your Scorpio man alone and allow him to deal with his issue himself.
2. Stay calm
The Scorpio male seems to lash out when he turns on his anger; that’s why he chooses to ignore you rather than to start a conflict.
He doesn’t want to make the situation much worse; thus, he disappears.
Due to this, it’s necessary to give him space. If you don’t, then he can be mean and blow up. If you’ve hurt him in the past, Scorpio man can forgive but will never forget; and might throw it back at you in this case.
Final Words
So, leaving a Scorpio man alone is actually a good idea when he is ignoring from you or gets irritated over certain things.
Don’t try to make a Scorpio miss you as he’ll definitely come back once making up his mind.
In the end, isn’t a relationship about compromise, is it?
If you want a long-term relationship with the Scorpio male, then you should build it based on compromise and understanding from the beginning. There is a saying, “Distance makes the heart grow fonder,” and this applies exactly to this confusing guy.
For any question about Scorpio man and solutions on how to deal with a distant Scorpio man, leave your comment below.
What can i do in my situation? I’m really confused and really wants everything to be better.. how can i make him text me like before? It’s been a year now .. should i give up?
Please advise me it’s really giving me headache..
Hi Jessy,
You don’t “make him” text you more often.
You could tell him that you’d like to hear from him more regularly. You could tell him how you feel when you don’t hear from him (as long as you accept your feelings as your feelings).
It’s possible that he prefers not to be drawn into full conversations through texting. He has his reasons, which I think are completely valid. Maybe he shares my reasons, or maybe he has others. Talk to him and find out, if you haven’t already.
Please, try to communicate.
Hi Rolland
I am Rachel, i met my Scorpio guy last year and it came so fast until he said he felt in love with me. since we be together it had been 3 times he cut me off and now ended by being friend but like bf/gf situation. He was a jealous and short temper person at the first met but now he become better person and said sorry easier to me whenever we argue. In this Covid situation, it’s hard for him because he cant go back to his home country where i also live far away from him. He become distant to me and give me silent treatment, i always initiate to text him first because i am worry and always he reply nicely. 3 days ago i was fed up because he did not fill his promise to call me and now we are in cold war. I feel he doesn’t like talking to me anymore and he just doesn’t want to tell me, i ever talked about this and saying i’d like to leave if he doesn’t want me but he said to not leave but his silent treatment makes me crazy. what should i do? I love him but i cant stand with his behaviour beside am not sure anymore if he still loves me or not.
Dear Rachel,
Have you tried asking *him* why he’s giving you the silent treatment? Unlike anyone else, he actually knows, and if you asked him, he could tell… Oh, wait: “Silent.” Right… Well…
Look, what adult, mature, loving people do when they find themselves in conflict is talk things over. Yes, sometimes they argue, sometimes they speak harshly with one another; it can be quite uncomfortable for both people. But the result is better understanding of one another, and ultimately, affirmation that the relationship is still worth sustaining.
When he refuses to discuss an issue with you, then doubles down on it by not even telling you what the issue is, then doubles down again by not offering you any verbal input, he’s revealing a very prickly part of his character that is telling you something very, very significant about his commitment to you, to the relationship, and to his own maturity. You would be foolish to ignore this revelation. What you do with it is completely up to you, but if it were me, I would never agree to go along with it.
Make no mistake, I’m all about looking for a little space to breathe and cool off when I’m angry. But that’s not about punishing my partner, it’s about wanting to make sure I’m not in the wrong, and to calm myself down so I don’t say something out of hurt or anger than would injure my partner or our relationship. And it’s not so much a silent treatment as a request for a few minutes to cool off.
The silent treatment is all about punishment, and frankly, I don’t think a boyfriend has the authority or the right to punish a girlfriend.
Hi Roland,
I met a Scorpio man online in January. I am a libra woman. He was my first experience with online dating and we quickly hit it off. He is a father of a pre-teen currently seeking custody of his son. He was very honest with me that he has a lot going on and that it may not be fair to me that his life has become different from when we started due to Covid-19. He said it would be up to me to decide if it was fair. On our last date after that conversation (he is very creative) we went to an open field, laid on a blanket and watched the stars. Everything seemed fine. We spoke the next day about a possible business venture That he originally suggested and he seemed very excited. That was over two weeks ago. Haven’t heard from him since except for a pic he sent of him and his son as a reply to a message. Sent a few messages a week ago with no reply. I really like this guy and he’s very different in the way of maturity and I enjoy learning and laughing with him. I was very direct about what I am looking for and he had many of the same things in common. Do I wait patiently for him to come around? Or is this not worth the time?
Hi Ann,
If you think this relationship is worth your investment, then why not give it a try. Get to know him patiently because Scorpio man doesn’t take love lightly.
I have been dating a Scorpio for 2 months and I can say he is completely attracted to me. He has deleted his dating apps and said he sees me as someone he can be with and that our relationship is something that he sees being official and going further. He has opened up to me almost everything, he said. 5 days ago we spent time together online and he was very sweet and said he missed me. He said he was working for 5 days with more than 12 hrs of shifts. We never fought and we were always honest with each other. As soon as he got back to work he has been distant for 2 days and then stopped replying and did not answer my 1 call. I only messaged him 5 times on different days, encouraging him but also asking if everything was alright between us. He hasn’t replied for 6 days now. I have not messaged him for the last 2 days as I plan to message him after a few days to tell him I miss him and that I’ll always be there for him. I have been occupying myself too. What else should I do?
Hi Angel,
Scorpio dudes come off cold for a number of reasons:
– Passive anger – maybe you’ve pissed him off in some way and he’ll not do the obvious thing and talk to you about it…nope, he’ll withdraw and punish you.
– He is feeling guilty or ashamed about something and is trying to figure out what to do about it.
– He is feeling vulnerable for some reason and find it difficult to admit even to you.
– Someone (not necessarily you) has broken his trust and (foolishly) he is unwittingly protecting himself even from you.
– He is a Scorp – sometimes he just needs to withdraw from everyone and everything – ‘me time’ I think they call it nowadays. There’s no rhyme or reason to it, he just hits hermit mode for a while.
– There’s someone else he is attracted to and he is having difficulty getting them out of his thoughts.
Don’t start a fight or act like he’s done something wrong by withdrawing. Don’t make him the problem. Just let him know that you see this in him and if he needs you you are there. That’s it. Give him time and this will draw him to confide in you because it shows you care without being demanding. It shows his feelings are safe with you.
Hope this helps!
I forgot to mention that he has been exerting effort and even surprised me on my birthday even though he had work that night. He has been very attentive and I made sure I made effort towards him as well as I am very caring. He even said I am very loving and a part of him is already in love with me but he still can’t say those 3 words. He still wants to get to know me more and even asked what requirements I needed in order to be ready to have a bf. He even said he wasn’t bothered about my decision to have sex after marriage and that the woman he loves is more important than sex. I trust him completely but I also can’t help feel bothered about his silence as this has never happened to me before. I’m kind of innocent when it comes to relationship and I just give my best to my love interest.