He is definitely not a nice guy when trying to break off with you.
Are you suffering from the relationship with Scorpio man?
There’s one thing I should tell you about this guy: he can become a real jerk when he is done with you. Don’t be surprised if he treats you with an abrupt manner or says something rude to you.
No matter how serious you talk to him, he probably cuts off the conversation, suddenly yells or acts unruly without logic.
How to handle this guy?
Maybe you should consider leaving a Scorpio man alone in case he ignores you.
When his emotions take over, it’s difficult for him to handle things in a logical or reasonable way. If your Scorpio man senses that you’ve done anything terrible to him, he will be snippy and crappy.
So it’s better not to hurt him or you cannot live with him for a long term.
Table of Contents
When a Scorpio Man Ignores You…
Does Scorpio man stops communicating all of sudden?
Due to Scorpio personality traits, he is introspective and independent. In case he withdraws from you, it’s because he needs his own space to deal with his problems, stress, or workload.
Sometimes he’s also distant from you if he feels irritated with the current relationship. That’s when you’ll find him disappear for awhile (a few hours or even a few days) to clear his mind.
It may be not fair with you, but there’s no way to win your Scorpio partner back but to get to know and accept this trait of his. Well, this guy in love is complicated so it takes you much time to completely understand him.
If you’re unsure whether or not the Scorpio male is ignoring you, here are a few signs:
- He will avoid talking much to you as he normally does
- He will act distant and not open up his feelings with you
- He will get irritated whenever you show up around him
- He will stop doing any kind of physical contact with you, even holding hands or hugging
- He will say no to sex if feeling unhappy in love
When a Scorpio man feels the need to be alone, don’t interrupt him. Ignoring you doesn’t mean he’s no longer in love with you; thus, you shouldn’t take all of his withdrawals personally.
You should give him his alone time so that he can actually feel how important your presence to him.
If your Scorpio man is ignoring you, please do not ignore him back. Instead, you better remain patient because this guy will certainly return once he makes clear everything in his mind.
Why Scorpio Man Stops Communicating?
Scorpio man normally is attentive and responsive; however, he may become distant at times. Saying nothing, he just disappears and ignores all of your calls and messages – this often makes his partner worried.
Indeed, it’s normal for this guy to withdraw himself from his loved one.
As mentioned earlier, his disappearing acts will only be brought on the surface whenever he has to deal with his own matters, such as unhappiness, dissatisfaction, or stress.
Rather than asking an explanation from him, you’re advised to provide him space and time. Be patient and understanding Scorpio man behavior from his point of view. If you are in a relationship with this guy and he acts cold toward you, don’t claim that he does not love you.
He can be in love with you but still ignore you.
Being frustrating is simply one of prominent traits of his zodiac sign.
What to Do When Scorpio Man Ignores You?
You realize your Scorpio man has remained silent and distant with you for awhile, it is probably a sign you’ve done something which possibly upsets him.
If you notice that he is quiet, sulky, or angry, simply give him space.
Nevertheless, make sure the alone time you give to him doesn’t last too long or you may lose the connection between you and him; and as the result, both may break up in the end.
As I told you above, you should not ignore him in return, or it will turn into a competition of who is the best at ignoring each other. You will also never win against the stubborn Scorpio! Therefore, just be patient and send him messages occasionally to see how he is – don’t bombard him as well.
For example, if he comes back and acts like nothing happened and this upsets you, then talk to him directly. Have a serious conversation and express your true feelings, I recommend you to make a compromise with him to stop this issue occurring again.
1. Understanding him
When your Scorpio man displays his disappearing acts, it may be due to many factors – there’s a possibility you upset him, but he can get stressed because of other external things.
Unfortunately, this guy tends to throw his anger onto the people he loves most.
The reason is because he expects those to understand for his behavior. In the relationship with you, he knows you love him so there’s no chance he will lose you.
Did I tell you this guy can be selfish?
In case you are not the primary reason for his disappearing acts, the best thing to do is to still give him his own space. Never force him to explain everything, or he’s likely to explode. Leave your Scorpio man alone and allow him to deal with his issue himself.
2. Stay calm
The Scorpio male seems to lash out when he turns on his anger; that’s why he chooses to ignore you rather than to start a conflict.
He doesn’t want to make the situation much worse; thus, he disappears.
Due to this, it’s necessary to give him space. If you don’t, then he can be mean and blow up. If you’ve hurt him in the past, Scorpio man can forgive but will never forget; and might throw it back at you in this case.
Final Words
So, leaving a Scorpio man alone is actually a good idea when he is ignoring from you or gets irritated over certain things.
Don’t try to make a Scorpio miss you as he’ll definitely come back once making up his mind.
In the end, isn’t a relationship about compromise, is it?
If you want a long-term relationship with the Scorpio male, then you should build it based on compromise and understanding from the beginning. There is a saying, “Distance makes the heart grow fonder,” and this applies exactly to this confusing guy.
For any question about Scorpio man and solutions on how to deal with a distant Scorpio man, leave your comment below.
Jocelin Ishii says
I have been in a relationship with a Scorpio man for almost 8 months now and we just broke up in a really fast and unclear way. I don’t know if me giving him space is going to help heal whatever I may have said to hurt him. Or if I am just holding onto false hope. We fell in love pretty immediately and believe we are eachothers soul mates, but he made a comment about me finding someone like him out there that can give me what I deserve. This is oainful because he is the man I see myself having children and growing old with. I don’t know if he is completely done trying…as deeply painful as it would be…and I’m not ready to give up.
Rolland Wooten says
Dear Jocelin,
My advise to you is to ignore him and just let things flow. Don’t rush him! Play hard to get and occupy yourself with other hubbies! Scorpio can be painful to be around especially when they know you are in-love with them–they tend to play lots of mind games! You can never tell for sure how deeply they’re in-love with you because they are skillful at concealing their emotions and feelings!
Adriana says
Hi Rolland! Hope you’re having a glorious day!
Here’s my story:
I met my Scorpio man about 3-4 months ago and everything felt like a fairy tale to me. I believe (I know it’s completely weird) that we are soulmates. Though we are from different countries and come from different cultures, we have a lot in common! And we understand each other completely which is so rare these days.
I know he’s a busy man and has a lot on his plate right now, but… He hasn’t been answering to me for more than 3 weeks and it’s terrifying as hell. I’m generally a patient person but I have no idea what to do. I already left him a message and tried to call (he didn’t reply). Should I do something? Or is it better to wait until he opens up to me?
Thank you so much!
Virgo lady
Rolland Wooten says
Dear Adriana,
I know you’re worrying but do not keep contacting him. Don’t jump to conclusions either; instead, let him wonder about you for a change, and when he is ready he will talk to you. Maybe he needs time to think and make decisions. Understand his silence and you will understand the man.
Dixiepride says
My Scorpio man and I have been married 8 years. He is 58 and I am 41. At first he was very sweet but after the wedding he smashed cake in my face humiliating me in front of my friends and family. Since then he has been dishonest, hateful, greedy and very very controlling. He has physically abandoned me multiple times over the years. ESPECIALLY in the beginning. He blames everything on me including our poor communication however he REFUSES to communicate on any issue of importance. I’ve recently asked him to start giving me a lil more $$$ for groc. I myself work and bring in around 1400 a month while he draws closer to $4000.00 yet he cursed screamed called me names including telling me I need to get 2 damn jobs on top of the already demanding job I have and taking care of my 2 kids our home and HIM! He actually said he didn’t care if we didn’t have $$$ for food that he would not give me food $$$. This is the last straw for me! What advice if any can u give me in productively communicating with him vs just feeling absolutely awful each time I approach him about important issues , especially money issues?????
Rolland Wooten says
Dear Dixiepride,
Scorpios are kind of…tricky to live with – They sometimes have bad tempers. They love to argue and are very emotional during the argument. They also remember everything you’ve said…so make sure to watch what you say too. Showing weakness is a negative for them, so they rarely admit that they are wrong.
Recognizeing when anger and frustration begins is the best way to put a stop to it. When there is that build up just state {look were both starting to feel frustrated lets take a time out and resume once were both calm} and agree to take a break.
But actually I think you should ask yourself in your heart, can you put with his type of behavior & how he treats you longterm? Is this something you wanna deal with in the future? If he still doesn’t try to treat you better; then it’s best to do what makes you happy not him.
Yaya says
Hello Rolland,
I know scorpio man from Instagram when he visited Singapore in Dec2017. We have never met in real life when he has to return to UK. We were texting, facetime for almost 5- 6 mths (there were many times he disappeared a week and later on came back) he visited Singapore again for Biz trip for 10 days. and we spend all this time together. All went well, after he went back to UK, and regular to US for biz, the first month, he will vdo call everyday even we were 7-13 hours different. I was a bit demanding that I should meet him in UK/ US and push that I should move and spend more time with him for our future. Then one day, he stopped, not contact me for a week and when I kept sending him message, he said he does not deserve me he need space to handle his busy work schedule. We broke up, almost never contacted each other for 4 months.
I texted him again 4 mths later, he called apologies and purposely made biz trip to Singapore again to explain that he was really busy with work. All went ok, I dont feel he has so much love for me like the first time we met but we keep in touch once a week until end of last year… suddenly no X’mas message he just disappeared. One month later, I pushed for an answer, he told me he lost his job in December at age of 44. He was in senior position so was very stressful. I texted him regularly support him to find new job. Its not easy for him to find new job and eventually he joined same company, high position at different department.
I told him I need to visit him in UK to see if everything is ok and I missed him so much. Its been 6mths we have not met. He broke up in a polite message and I blocked him for 4 months.
2 weeks ago, I texted him … now we flirt like a couple, exchange photos some normal/ sexy photos. He texted every other day but still very busy flying to US/ Mexico for work regularly. He said his new job is very stressful and demanding.
Suddenly he tole me last month he applied for job in Singapore but could not get it.
He does not have friend or family in Singapore and he has well life, house, good car & friends/parents in UK.
I dont want to ask if there is anything to do with me that he want to move to Singapore since we were not talking when he applied for job.
I dont think he has new girlfriend and I doubt his feeling for me coz we are in long distance relationship for past 1.5 years with multiple break up. We trust each other for all this time, never released any personal photos when we broke up.
Some day he messages a lot some day he just disappeared.
Hi Rolland,
I don’t know how to treat this scorpio man, I still love him so much even our last time together was Oct 2018. Its one year ago. He still find me very attractive but I want to have future with him in real life. How to make him make a move.
He is 45 this year, never married no kid
I am 37 now.
Do I still have hope or I should forget about him.
Thank you.
Rolland Wooten says
Dear Yaya,
It is true that sometimes Scorpio men could be rather cold for you to deal with but with perserverence from both parteners the relationship will prevail.
I think the reason he ignores you is because he’s too busy – his focus is on works. Trust me that he will come back in time; you should give him a bit of space and try doing something nice. Maybe a poem or a sweet note when you see him will make him appreciate because it came from you and not something you buy.
Tasha says
My ex scorpio and I are on talking terms but hes very short, doesnt ask to see me or anything. We saw each other last month and he was in tears about how much I hurt him and we both need to change so we can
work on things. Ive been going out with new friends but he has no social media and we have no mutual friends. I feel like if he knew he would miss me and want to be more in my life. Other than that, hes shared some personal things with me recently which make me think he starting to trust me again (I said some pretty mean things to him a year ago which he expressed recently he is still hurt by). He says hes not dating. He cant even think about that right now. Should I just continue checking up on him every now and then? Do scorpios not ever say it’s done? Also would it be needy for me to send him something on his bday?
Rolland Wooten says
Dear Tasha,
Scorpio men do have a tendency to “test” you because they want to be able to fully trust you before they open up, get closer and give you their heart. They are very sensitive souls no matter how tough and strong they act or look from the outside. They hurt easily and are quite emotional. Yet, at the same time, they are in total control of their feelings. Don’t let all of this scare you. Just be yourself, be honest and loyal if you truly care and want him. Trust is a huge issue with them and until they feel that they can trust you completely, it’s going to be a long road. Be patient, tolerant and accepting of him for exactly who he is. Try to understand him. With a Scorpio, you have to be intuitive, learn to read between the lines, pick up subtle clues and hints.
He’s really worth it in the end if you are able to crack him open. He’s capable of being the sweetest, most compassionate, protective, caring, loyal, faithful and devoted lover. It can be amazing if you are the right one for him.
Keya says
I have been with my Scorpio man for almost a year now. he recently lost his grandmother and uncle within days of each other and stopped contacting me. We had been talking daily and he calls me his wife, even gives me cards that say “to my wife” or “better half”. I did get a mothers day gift and card from him but other than that he hasn’t said a word to me. He just says he’s sorry that he’s stuck in his ways and just needs some time. I’m not sure if he’s really trying to distance himself slowly to end the relationship or if he really does just need space. HELP!!!!!
Rolland Wooten says
Dear Keya,
Your Scorpio is distant because he needs to know whether he wishes to invest everything into you or whether he wants to draw away from you. If you have not done anything to make him distant don’t be afraid. He is trying to bring the balance back to himself. He’s most likely in love with you and wants to level himself emotionally and mentally because he needs to. If it continues to be this way let him know you notice his withdraw and tell him that you are willing to be there if he needs it.