He is definitely not a nice guy when trying to break off with you.
Are you suffering from the relationship with Scorpio man?
There’s one thing I should tell you about this guy: he can become a real jerk when he is done with you. Don’t be surprised if he treats you with an abrupt manner or says something rude to you.
No matter how serious you talk to him, he probably cuts off the conversation, suddenly yells or acts unruly without logic.
How to handle this guy?
Maybe you should consider leaving a Scorpio man alone in case he ignores you.
When his emotions take over, it’s difficult for him to handle things in a logical or reasonable way. If your Scorpio man senses that you’ve done anything terrible to him, he will be snippy and crappy.
So it’s better not to hurt him or you cannot live with him for a long term.
Table of Contents
When a Scorpio Man Ignores You…

Does Scorpio man stops communicating all of sudden?
Due to Scorpio personality traits, he is introspective and independent. In case he withdraws from you, it’s because he needs his own space to deal with his problems, stress, or workload.
Sometimes he’s also distant from you if he feels irritated with the current relationship. That’s when you’ll find him disappear for awhile (a few hours or even a few days) to clear his mind.
It may be not fair with you, but there’s no way to win your Scorpio partner back but to get to know and accept this trait of his. Well, this guy in love is complicated so it takes you much time to completely understand him.
If you’re unsure whether or not the Scorpio male is ignoring you, here are a few signs:
- He will avoid talking much to you as he normally does
- He will act distant and not open up his feelings with you
- He will get irritated whenever you show up around him
- He will stop doing any kind of physical contact with you, even holding hands or hugging
- He will say no to sex if feeling unhappy in love
When a Scorpio man feels the need to be alone, don’t interrupt him. Ignoring you doesn’t mean he’s no longer in love with you; thus, you shouldn’t take all of his withdrawals personally.
You should give him his alone time so that he can actually feel how important your presence to him.
If your Scorpio man is ignoring you, please do not ignore him back. Instead, you better remain patient because this guy will certainly return once he makes clear everything in his mind.
Why Scorpio Man Stops Communicating?
Scorpio man normally is attentive and responsive; however, he may become distant at times. Saying nothing, he just disappears and ignores all of your calls and messages – this often makes his partner worried.
Indeed, it’s normal for this guy to withdraw himself from his loved one.
As mentioned earlier, his disappearing acts will only be brought on the surface whenever he has to deal with his own matters, such as unhappiness, dissatisfaction, or stress.
Rather than asking an explanation from him, you’re advised to provide him space and time. Be patient and understanding Scorpio man behavior from his point of view. If you are in a relationship with this guy and he acts cold toward you, don’t claim that he does not love you.
He can be in love with you but still ignore you.
Being frustrating is simply one of prominent traits of his zodiac sign.

What to Do When Scorpio Man Ignores You?
You realize your Scorpio man has remained silent and distant with you for awhile, it is probably a sign you’ve done something which possibly upsets him.
If you notice that he is quiet, sulky, or angry, simply give him space.
Nevertheless, make sure the alone time you give to him doesn’t last too long or you may lose the connection between you and him; and as the result, both may break up in the end.
As I told you above, you should not ignore him in return, or it will turn into a competition of who is the best at ignoring each other. You will also never win against the stubborn Scorpio! Therefore, just be patient and send him messages occasionally to see how he is – don’t bombard him as well.
For example, if he comes back and acts like nothing happened and this upsets you, then talk to him directly. Have a serious conversation and express your true feelings, I recommend you to make a compromise with him to stop this issue occurring again.
1. Understanding him
When your Scorpio man displays his disappearing acts, it may be due to many factors – there’s a possibility you upset him, but he can get stressed because of other external things.
Unfortunately, this guy tends to throw his anger onto the people he loves most.
The reason is because he expects those to understand for his behavior. In the relationship with you, he knows you love him so there’s no chance he will lose you.
Did I tell you this guy can be selfish?
In case you are not the primary reason for his disappearing acts, the best thing to do is to still give him his own space. Never force him to explain everything, or he’s likely to explode. Leave your Scorpio man alone and allow him to deal with his issue himself.
2. Stay calm
The Scorpio male seems to lash out when he turns on his anger; that’s why he chooses to ignore you rather than to start a conflict.
He doesn’t want to make the situation much worse; thus, he disappears.
Due to this, it’s necessary to give him space. If you don’t, then he can be mean and blow up. If you’ve hurt him in the past, Scorpio man can forgive but will never forget; and might throw it back at you in this case.

Final Words
So, leaving a Scorpio man alone is actually a good idea when he is ignoring from you or gets irritated over certain things.
Don’t try to make a Scorpio miss you as he’ll definitely come back once making up his mind.
In the end, isn’t a relationship about compromise, is it?
If you want a long-term relationship with the Scorpio male, then you should build it based on compromise and understanding from the beginning. There is a saying, “Distance makes the heart grow fonder,” and this applies exactly to this confusing guy.
For any question about Scorpio man and solutions on how to deal with a distant Scorpio man, leave your comment below.
I have been with my Scorpio bf on and off for 2 years. From the very beginning of the relationship he always said that he didn’t know if he would ever be able to change that he had always been on his own and had never been able to do long term relationships. Said many a time that he found it difficult to let go of the reigns so to speak. Every 6 months he always seemed to distance himself but then he came back soon after.
He is 49 and has never lived with anyone. Our relationship was very relaxed I’d spend weekends with him but for a long time he used to say he didn’t like the feeling of it being Friday to Monday didn’t like the feeling that it was almost routine. He’s always said that he prefers to not plan things almost just wake up that day and see what that day brings. Over time he seemed to change almost the opposite to how he’d felt, looked forward to me being there. We had a great social circle that he brought me into, I met many of his friends who came over on holiday, all men. Even they always said to me that I had a difficult job with him as he wasn’t easy but they also said that they had never seen him so happy.
Since last summer it felt like he was getting closer he used to say to me many times that he was starting to fall but he didn’t like it, he even at times talked about having a baby!? I dismissed this each time he brought it up as I said to him how could we even think of having a baby as we hadn’t even lived together. I just thought that was him starting to let himself go talking like that.
We went on our first proper holiday in February, he took me back to his home town during the holiday I met all his family and I really felt that this was a real step forward, we were even invited to a family wedding. Anyway the holiday finished we came back and he started to distance himself. I did expect him to pull back as I knew it was a big pressure to be together that long so I was prepared to a degree.
We had a big argument the worst we’ve ever had about a week after we got back. He literally just blew up in my face like he had lost control and shouted at me to to just get out that we were done and he’d had enough. This argument had happened after we’d been out for dinner and I had been talking about the holiday and if he’d enjoyed being with each other so much. He went quiet and I instinctively knew that it was not good.
I didn’t leave after the argument and we talked into the early hours and the next morning. He said he didn’t know what he wanted and needed some space. It was all very emotional he was visibly upset as was I.
He popped into my office the following week and greeted me normally so I felt a bit of reassurance inside that things would be ok, he said he felt like he had let me down I reassured him that he hasn’t and not to be so hard on himself. I bumped into him the following week and he told me he loved me and kissed me. After that I was sure that it was just space he needed and all would be ok. I was wrong.
Things went quieter and I didn’t see him after that. I text about a week later and he told me that he couldn’t carry on as we were if we were to carry on he needed to know he could go forward properly with no holding back and he couldn’t do that right now. He said he didn’t think he would ever change and after 2 years after being with someone who he got on so well with he didn’t see that he could ever change. He said that he would love to be able to say in the future that he’d missed me and wanted another chance but he knew he was taking a chance by doing that as chances are i could have moved on by then. He went on to say this was absolutely nothing to do with me that I was the kindest loyal and most honest person he’d ever met.
3 weeks ago was really tough and emotional I went to his to collect my things and return his key it was very sad we were both crying, later in the week I had to go back as had left a few things. It wasn’t as emotional but it was still very sad we hugged and talked for hours. He said he was sorry he couldn’t be normal he said he struggled with the balance of being with me and having his own time, said he had started to put pressure on himself and that he struggled with finding that balance of being with me on the weekends and feeling that he could also do his own thing. He said he didn’t feel it was fair to me if he didn’t want to spend time with me when I was there with him. He couldn’t understand how his friends did it in their relationships he didn’t think it was right if I was at his and he came in late after being out, said it wasn’t fair to be like that. He said he’d always been on his own and this was the closest relationship he’d ever had, previous ones had always been long distance.
We talked more and I asked him why he had said that he could see himself missing me and asking for another chance and he said because I know I will I probably will wake up one day and think how stupid I was for letting you go but he also said that he didn’t know if he would and couldn’t give me that guarantee. I stayed for few more hours and we just cuddled up on the sofa kissed and watched tv he said I needed to go as it would only confuse things more and that he didn’t want to hurt me any more, he said it would be too easy to just carry on as we were he said he wants to be friends but understands that it’s hard to do that with feelings still involved. He said neither of us know the future but right now he needs to be on his own he didn’t give me any further hope than that.
I did not contact him after that, he text me last week which was exactly 2 weeks a very general text asking how I was and letting me know he’d lost an uncle to the covid 19 and said he was doing ok I answered him but I did not keep messaging more as I feel it’s important to get some value back on myself and more importantly to make him think a bit as i know he would have expected me to message more.
Does this sound like he just wants to be friends and has already moved on or might he come back?, part of me is confused as to how he could just be friends so soon. Doesn’t he even miss me from his life? I’m not sure if he will even text again.
With all that is going on in the world being in lockdown and having to go through this on top I just feel like I can’t cope my mind is constantly restless. If there’s any advice you could give me would be most appreciated.
Hi Kira,
He really does like you and may be in love with you…but his heart is in conflict.
There is one possible way that this volatile relationship is the real deal—as in yes, he really DOES like you. He does have strong romantic feelings for you, but thinks that you’re incompatible in lifestyle or in thinking. It may be that he’s yearning for you and trying to “resist you” because he keeps thinking of the mismatch. Or the conflict could be coming from his family, or from another woman he’s dating.
In this case, there’s only one thing to do. Ask him what the conflict is and talk it out. Maybe he’s afraid to tell you what it is, or maybe it’s a problem that requires some compromise on both sides. You need to let him know that if it’s a real compatibility issue, you’re willing to discuss the problem. Let him know that he can always tell you anything and shouldn’t hold any secrets back. You’re willing to be his best friend, IF that’s what he wants.
However, if it’s just a matter of “keeping you as a fall back” (in case things don’t work out in his other romance) then you are NOT going to wait for him, and not going to keep listening to his mixed messages.
A man will not respect you if you “wait for him” and let him continually take you for granted in this way. You must show him, and more importantly show YOURSELF, that you are a strong and successful woman—that if a man wants you he must be willing to admit his feelings and give you his undivided attention. No doubts, no second guesses.
Maybe you moving on and dating someone else will make this confused guy realize that you were the best thing to happen to him…and he was dumb enough let you get away! Sometimes a man will only see you as a “high value”, super confident woman IF you have the self-respect to walk away. And believe me, that’s what he’s attracted to.
Thank you for your answer, no there’s definitely no other woman. I know that for sure. He has always liked to be in control of his feelings and I think he was starting to lose that control, the holiday brought him closer but instead of letting go and going forward he’s pulled the reigns back up and stepped back. He told my mum a few months back that I was perfect and she said well I hope you appreciate how lucky you are and he said oh believe me I do. I think the conflict comes within himself not compatibility issues. He’s always been on his own likes his own space as I said there’s always been a pattern to him as every 6 months he steps back. But this is the biggest upset we’ve ever had. I’m just not sure if I should move on or give him time to come. Do you think he will even text me again? Am I doing right by not messaging him and staying away? This is all such a shock a few months ago I was meeting his family and now it’s like he just pulled the plug.
Hi there, hope u r doing well
I have known a scorpio man for 4 years now. We met online and he both live in 2 different countries. At first it was really fun we talked daily and he always initiated a conversation then i started to develop feelings for him, 1 time he was drunk and he told me he really likes me so much but as we live far away he hates it. Later on he said he likes me again and he thinks we can make a good relationship then suddenly his way was different. He disappeared and ignored my texts, he put a pictures of a girl so i knew he had a gf.. i sent him a text 3 months after that then he replied and apologized. We talked normally as friends but suddenly he told me they broke up and she was the one who did. We kept talking and he suddenly disappeared again then after 1 month or 2 he came back and apologized and he said he needed space because he kept thinking about her and he needs to make up his mind about her. They met again and she told him that they r not going to get back. Then he came to me.. he kept on talking and i was always there for him no matter what.. we used to call and text even when his grand mother died i called him and we talked for many hours.. sometimes he would disappear for day or 2 but he would come back and text me by himself. Then i decided to travel there and he met me. He brought many guide books and gifts to me then we had lunch and took photos. We kept on talking and sometimes he would disappear for month or 2 and come back again and sometimes he would initiate a conversation too. He always knew that I’m successful at my work and that I’m smart. He had stopped his university and come back to it now. At this period we were talking normally i was giving him signs that i still like him but he was acting smoothly.. he stopped talking for a while then he said he is in a relationship now and i told him ok and we were talking normally. I treated him coldly this time but i was responding to him be said that i was cold and he doesn’t want us to be like this at this time i was planning to go again to his country just for sightseeing and shopping not to exactly meet him as i decided to take him out of my mind but he asked me to tell him when i will come. He kept talking to me and i was a bit cold.. i didn’t tell him when i will arrive till i actually arrived there and suddenly he told me he will come to see me. He actually came even though it was far from his city. We had lunch that day. We walked a lot we went to karaoke. He was acting a bit werid like getting close to me when were sitting in the karaoke room and when i saw a beautiful snow falkes lights i told him we should take a photo here, while we were taking the pic he suddenly grabbed me from my waist closer to him. I really didn’t have much feelings for him at this time as i decided earlier. i even thought he would go home after this but he stayed up till late hours and he even went with me to my room. It was weird too. He never said he will stay but he did. He slept next to me and he kept saying things like ” u r mine”. He stayed with me for 3 days. He hugged me and showed much care and love. He stared in my eyes like if he went inside my soul. I could tell by his eyes he loves me. He shared with me many things about his family. And he showed me the passowrd for his phone. He even asked me who i talk with when i hold my phone. He was very protective, he even bought many snacks and drinks to make me try them..he shared with me some of my stuff like face cleanser, hair brush and he gave me his eye sleeping mask.. we laughed a lot and on the third day he told me he needs to go back as he needs to get back to University. He told me that he really likes my eyes and eyebrows.. he even told me I’m sexy! We kissed many times. I went with him to subway and when it was time to say goodbye he opened his arms for a hug.. i didn’t expect this too but i hugged him..after arriving his home he sent me our pics and told me that it was really fun and he thanked me.. he left his socks in the washing machine and when i told him this he said he knew it “don’t know why he left it on purpose maybe to make me miss him”. I thought we would meet again after i travel back but he seemed so busy but he kept texting me from time to time. He wanted to go to the airport with me but it seems like he couldn’t make it.. after arriving my country i texted him “thank u” then he told me I’m sorry. From this time we didnt text for 2 months but i texted him and he replied then he never initiated a conversation at all we didnt even call and we never talked about our relationship. It was always about his university or my work or just asking how he is.. it was always me who initiate it.. sometimes he would reply to me the next day or even after 2 days or 3 days and sometimes he wouldn’t reply at all.. he knew how responsible and independent i am! I sent him a birthday gift and he really liked it. He even told me that no one thought about him like this before..when i told him i miss him he said ” ohh ok”.. it seemed cold.. Recently i lost 1 close family member so i talked with him and he was responding he even called me and texted me that i should be next to my family and can come to chat whenever i want to.. then he was replying sometime the next day.. i understand our time difference but this wasn’t the case like before..he recently moved with his old sister and when we called he was sitting next to her he told me to say hi to her..he told her “she is my gf” and he told her where im from. but he said this in his mother language.. he doesn’t know that i can understand it! it’s also his final year at university and he will be 27 when he finish it so he is very stressed about his future plans and he wants to find a good job too.. he seems cold.. we don’t laugh like before we don’t talk like before.. we can’t have a normal conversation..he bought new phone and he was posting pics on IG.. he sometimes replies the next day or not reply at all.. i talked with him about this and he told he he don’t know! he is the same and he is not cold.. he said he thinks i need more warm feelings as he told me before ” you have sensitive heart” but i told him it was for 1 year since i saw him and we talked for few times! But he saw it and didn’t reply for 2 days now..
Maybe he is stressed beacuse my life is stable while he is not? Maybe he wants to control our relationship by being away? Maybe he thinks he doesn’t need to communicate that much since he knew how much i love him and he need to focus more on his career? But why he never initiate a conversation unlike before?! Even though now I’m sad and i feel really bad for losing my close family member but he still doesn’t talk that much and never initiate it! Does he take me for garnted? I really can’t seem to get it and i never knew what is in his head! What should i do? Should i keep talking to him? Should i keep initiating it? Should i leave him till he initiate it? Should i take break for myself as I’m not feeling well? I really love him and i know he want to settle down as he always mentioned he wishes to be a good husband and father but maybe he isn’t serious about me as we live far away.. thinking about it, i was always there even as friend but he wasn’t! I want our relationship to work out ..What can i do? Is he serious about me?
Sorry for being too long!
Hi Jessy,
In general though, usually not taking into account any personal aspects Scorpios are pretty passionate and probing into the desire of their heart. They can also be and remain standoffish and guarded until they feel secure enough with someone. I will also make mention you should be careful of any over possessiveness. It’s complimentary to some degree but can be toxic and offensive in other ways.
But what about my case?! what should i do with him?!
Well, where do I begin? I’ve been on and off with my Scorpio for about 8 years now. He’s helped raise my 2 kids. I’ve recently gone through a miscarriage and suffered Depression and anxiety from it. It caused problems with me not accepting it to the point where I became disappointed in everything he was doing. I told him to leave and he refused but as my anger and dissatisfaction came it pushed him off the edge from us continuously arguing and now I regret everything. It’s been now 4 months and he contacts the children but I’m so distraught and have been fixing myself as a person but I miss and want him back in our lives. I fear that I’ve hurt him too much to the point where he might never return. I may have really pushed him away permanently this time and it deeply scares me because I couldn’t bare to see him with someone else or let alone a family with someone else. He’s told me that I’ve broken him and he’s ignored me when I’ve attempted to apologize. Hot and cold are discussions are about the children now. Is it possible that he will return so we can be family again? I’ve been giving him his space but so far I’ve been blocked from everything txt, phone, FB. I dont know what to do.
Dear Lily,
Apologize. Tell him you did not mean to. Give him space and time to think about if he wants to. Be as far as he wants you to be and as near as he can take it. Do things for him that will make him feel comfortable.
Also, you need to slowly get out of guilt, as you need to do damage repair to both of you.
When you hurt somebody and you feel guilty about it, first step has to be to apologize and express it. Sometimes people don’t express if they are hurt. But if you think you may have done something wrong, apologizing helps.
So at this time we are social distances, and I wouldn’t let my Scorpio come over to see me because he was still out and about and not social distances. We are okay now and our state has mandated the social distances but he seems upset and is now being distant, mind you we were having issues prior to COVID19 and I did worn him that in this situation issues could be exacerbated, so I have really remained quite. But I miss him, and I’ve told him already and miss him. Is it ok to tell him again or will I be , getting on his nerves
Hi Lisa,
If you think he cares as much as you do, if you think he feels the same way, then just tell him your feelings, be straight and tell him you do miss him, if he feels the same he will be happy.
What can i do in my situation? I’m really confused and really wants everything to be better.. how can i make him text me like before? It’s been a year now .. should i give up?
Please advise me it’s really giving me headache..